Home > Available years > Logs in 2010 > Log: LFRO 20100731
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Log: Lannion - Côte de Granite Apt
Date: 2010-07-31
Time: 15:30-15:50
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This log contains sightings of aircraft that I spotted while at this location.
When I was able to make (some) pictures, these are included too, no matter the quality.
The four letter ICAO code is used when applicable. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

F-HCIRType: Cirrus Design Corp SR20
c/n: 1464
First flight: built 2004
History: (200501)F-HCIR
Where & when: LFRO 20100731
F-GKYNType: ATR.42-300
c/n: 095
First flight: 1988
History: (198809)F-GKYN
Where & when: LFRO 20100731
F-MJCDType: Aerospatiale AS.350B Ecureuil
c/n: 1576
First flight:
History: JCD/F-MJCD[F]
Where & when: LFRO 20100731