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All aircraft I once logged and which I labeled as Piper PA.30. When a large picture is available, shown by , click the image.

G-AVGTPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30- 123History: G-AVGT,EI-AVS,(1973)G-AVGT
Spotted: EHRD 19770518
Picture at: EHRD 19770518
SE-EOKPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30- 157History: N7135Y,SE-EOK
Spotted: EHRD 19741018
  PH-COMPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30- 279History: G-ASOB,G-MAAG,(198701)PH-COM
Spotted: EHTX 20180804
PH-COM at EHTX 20180804 | Piper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche
Picture at: EHTX 20180804
G-ASSPPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30- 458History: G-ASSP
Spotted: EHRD 19780203, EHRD(1) 19780206, EHRD 19780608, EHRD 19780720, EHRD 19780721, EHRD 19781004, EHRD(2) 19781030, EHRD(1) 19781204, EHRD(1) 19790116, EHRD(1) 19790322, EHRD 19791115
Picture at: EHRD 19780721
G-ATWRPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Bc/n: 30-1134History: >
Spotted: EHRD 19780123
N47KBPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30-1205History: (1966)N47KB
Spotted: EHRD 19780607
G-ATZVPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30-1278History: >
Spotted: EHAM 19760803
N335BFPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30-1389History: (196611)PH-GAS,OO-ABF(2),(199405)N335BF
Spotted: EHRD(1) 20020427,
Picture at: EHRD(1) 20020427
OO-ABFPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Bc/n: 30-1389History: SEE: N335BF
Spotted: EBAW 19810719
PH-GASPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Bc/n: 30-1389History: SEE: N335BF
Spotted: EHRD 19760330
G-AVJJPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Bc/n: 30-1420History: N8285Y,G-AVJJ
Spotted: EHRD 19780824
G-AVUDPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Bc/n: 30-1515History: N8422Y,G-AVUD
Spotted: EHRD 19780811, EHRD 19780922
G-AVPSPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Bc/n: 30-1548History: N8393Y,G-AVPS
Spotted: EHRD 19741106,
Picture at: EHRD 19741106
OO-PTFPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Bc/n: 30-1586History: N8429Y,I-UMBO,OO-PTF
Spotted: EHRD 19771025
PH-ATSPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30-1597History: N8437Y,PH-ATS,G-BBYN,OH-PAR,(G-BBYN),OH-PAR
Spotted: EHRD 19730717
OY-DLCPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30-1716History: (1976)OY-DLC,(1981)G-OLIN
Spotted: EHRD 19790313
  D-GAHBPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Cc/n: 30-1750History: N8610Y,(196905)D-GAHB,(<1994)..
Spotted: EHRD 19790409
D-GAHB at EDFE 20220806 | Piper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche C
Picture at: EDFE 20220806
OY-RYSPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanchec/n: 30-1844History: (1974)OY-RYS,(1994)SE-FHA
Spotted: EHRD(2) 19780613
G-AXDLPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Cc/n: 30-1856History: N8707Y,G-AXDL,G-RNTV,OY-CLW
Spotted: EGKK 19780906
G-AYSBPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Cc/n: 30-1916History: N8760Y,G-AYSB
Spotted: EHRD(1) 19781018, EHRD(2) 19781018
PH-ATVPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Cc/n: 30-1929History: N8773Y,PH-ATV
Spotted: EHRD 19770325, EHRD 19770503
Picture at: EHRD 19770503
OE-FPEPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Cc/n: 30-1962History: OE-FPE
Spotted: EHRD(1) 19760303
F-BRUKPiper PA-30 160 Twin Comanche Cc/n: 30-1990History: N8832Y,F-BRUK
Spotted: EGGW 19780907, EHAM 19810404
Picture at: EHAM 19810404