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This page shows all aircraft I once logged and which I labeled as McD /DC-8. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

YV-13.C ?DC-8c/n: Spotted: EHAM 19800606
..DC8c/n: Spotted: LFPB 20030622
F-Z…DC.8c/n: Spotted: LFPG(2) 20030827
RP-C829Douglas DC-8-33c/n: 45380Spotted: EHAM 19740729,
F-RAFEDouglas DC 8-53 Sariguec/n: 45570History: (196102)F-BIUZ,(196310)Conv DC 8-33>DC 8-33 Sarigue,(197312)F-RAFE,(198004)Conv 33>53,(200107)museum
Spotted: LFPB Museum 20100918, LFPB 20130622
Picture at: LFPB Museum 20100918
OH-KDMDouglas DC-8-51c/n: 45628Spotted: EGGW 19780907
Picture at: EGGW 19780907
5Y-BASDouglas DC-8-53c/n: 45629History: (n807US),PH-DCN,OB-R-962,PH-DCN,OB-R-1116,PH-DCN,(5Y-QSR),5Y-BAS,PH-DCN,(1976)5Y-BAS
Spotted: EHAM 19761228, EHAM 19790209
PH-DCODouglas DC-8-53c/n: 45632History: (N810US),PH-DCO,PK-GEC,PH-DCO,N121GA,HK-3746X
Spotted: EHAM 19740729,
EC-AUMDouglas DC-8-52c/n: 45657Spotted: EGPF 19780909
Picture at: EGPF 19780909
G-BDHADouglas DC-8-54Fc/n: 45667History: N8782R,D-ACCA,N8782R,G-BDHA,HI-426,HI-426CT,HI-426CA,N426FB,
Spotted: to EHRD 19760511
C-FTJPDouglas DC-8F-54c/n: 45679History: CF-TJP,C-FTJP
Spotted: EGPK 19780910
Picture at: EGPK 19780910
PH-DCSDouglas DC-8F-55c/n: 45683History: PH-DCS,RP-C843,9Q-CKI,EL-AJO,3C-FNK
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EHAM 19761228
G-BDDEDouglas DC-8-54Fc/n: 45684History: N8783R,D-ACCB,N8783R,G-BDDE,HI-427,YV-447C,N427FB
Spotted: EGKK 19780906, EHRD(2) 19790202
Picture at: EGKK 19780906
PH-DCTDouglas DC-8-55Fc/n: 45691History: (8.64) PH-DCT,N29954
Spotted: EHAM 19760803, EHAM 19760806, EHAM 19781122, EHAM 19790209, EHAM 19810404
G-BTACDouglas DC-8-54Fc/n: 45768History: YV-C-VID,OB-R-1083,N5768X,G-BTAC,HK-2632X,PP-TNZ, (converted 53 > 54F, when?)
Spotted: EGLL 19780914
PH-DCZDouglas DC-8F-55 (JT)c/n: 45804History: OY-KTC,PH-DCZ,HP-927,N855BC,C-GMXP,CX-BLN,N855BC,9G-MKA,
Spotted: EHAM 19761228
CF-CPMDouglas DC-8-53c/n: 45806Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EGPK 19780910, EGKK 19780912
Picture at: EGPK 19780910
G-BIASDouglas DC-8-55Fc/n: 45816History: N804SW,YV-C-VIM,N804SW,G-BIAS,N804SW,N801CK
Spotted: EHRD(1) 19790212, EHRD(2) 19790212, EHRD(3) 19790212
Picture at: EHRD(1) 19790212
F-RAFCDouglas DC-8-55Fc/n: 45819History: F-BNLD, F-RAFC
Spotted: LFPB 20100918
Picture at: LFPB 20100918
PH-MASDouglas DC-8-55c/n: 45824History: N851F,PH-MAS,N45824,PH-MAS,EC-DBE,N5824A
Spotted: EHAM 19760806
PH-MAUDouglas DC-8-55Fc/n: 45856History: N852F,PH-MAU,EC-DEM,C-FDWW,N6161C
Spotted: EHAM 19760803, EHAM 19760806, EHRD(1) 19780206
G-BSKYDouglas DC-8F-55c/n: 45858History: N1509U,C-FCPT,N789FT,C-FCPT,G-BSKY,HC-BJT,3D-ADV(1),5N-ATY,EL-AJQ(2),3C-QRG
Spotted: EGGW 19780907, EHRD 19790118
PH-DCUDouglas DC-8-55Fc/n: 45859History: (2.66) PH-DCU,N29954,5N-ARH
Spotted: EHAM 19810404
PH-DEBDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 45901History: N1504U,PH-DEB,N929R,N827AX
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EHAM 19760806
PH-DEADouglas DC-8-63c/n: 45903History: N1503U,(11.67) PH-DEA,N908CL,N950R
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EHAM 19760806, EHAM 19790209, EHAM 19810404, EHAM 19830618
Picture at: EHAM 19790209
9G-BANDouglas DC-8-62CFc/n: 45904/309Spotted: EBOS(1) 20070526, EBOS(2) 20070526, EBOS(1) 20070527, EBOS(2) 20070527, EBOS 20070528
Picture at: EBOS(2) 20070526
N912CLDouglas DC-8-61c/n: 45908History: (196708)N45090,(1975)N912CL,..,(198712)N841AX,
Spotted: EGKK 19780906
4K-AZ25Douglas DC-8-62Fc/n: 45920Spotted: EBOS(1) 20070526, EBOS(2) 20070526, EBOS(1) 20070527, EBOS(2) 20070527, EBOS 20070528
Picture at: EBOS 20070528
HS-TGXDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 45923Spotted: EHAM 19760806
CF-CPODouglas DC-8-63c/n: 45926Spotted: EHAM 19761228
CF-CPQDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 45928Spotted: EGKK 19780912
EC-BMYDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 45931Spotted: EGLL 19780904
RP-C803Douglas DC-8-53c/n: 45937History: RP-C803,(19770418) Tokyo 0(XX), ran off runway and destroyed
Spotted: EHAM 19740729,
N8955UDouglas DC-8-61CFc/n: 45948Spotted: EHBK 19760807
ZS-OZVDouglas DC-8-62H(F)c/n: 45986/379Spotted: EBOS(1) 20070526, EBOS(2) 20070526, EBOS(1) 20070527, EBOS(2) 20070527, EBOS 20070528
Picture at: EBOS 20070528
LX-ACVDouglas DC-8-63CFc/n: 45989History: (196806)N779FT,LX-ACV(1),(199009)EI-BNA,WFU 199812,STD 19991130 Marana,USA
Spotted: EHRD 19780120
TF-CCVDouglas DC-8-63CFc/n: 45990History: N780FT,TF-CCV
Spotted: EHRD 19780610
PH-DECDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 45999History: (196807)PH-DEC,TF-FLU,N820TC,(199111)N863E,(199210)N787AL,(199405)N788AL,(199702)N828AX
Spotted: EHAM 19760803, EHAM 19760806, EHAM 19810404, EHAM 19830618
Picture at: EHAM 19830618
PH-DEDDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 46000History: PH-DED,N964R
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EHAM 19760803, EHAM 19760806, EHAM 19820514
Picture at: EHAM 19820514
N872TVDouglas DC-8-63CFc/n: 46001History: (196809)N863F,(197309)N799FT,(197406)HB-IDM,…,N872TV,(ca1990)conv. 63CF > 73CF,(199007)N404FE,(199606)N806DH
Spotted: EHAM 19830618
OH-LFTDouglas DC-8-62CFc/n: 46013History: (196901)OH-LFR,(196904)OH-LFT,(198206)F-RAFG,conv. 62CF > 72CF
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EHRD 19770525
Picture at: EHRD 19770525
PH-DEEDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 46019History: PH-DEE
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EHAM 19761228, EHAM 19820227
YV-125CDouglas DC-8c/n: 46042History: YV-C-VIA,YV-125C,8P-PLC,TF-FLE,N7043U,converted > 63,N345JW
Spotted: EHAM 19760806
OH-LFVDouglas DC-8-62CFc/n: 46043History: (196903)OH-LFS,(196904)OH-LFV,(198305)F-RAFD,conv 62CF > 72CF,(199901)F-ZVMT
Spotted: EHAM 19730426
N791FTDouglas DC-8-63CFc/n: 46045History: (196903)N791FT,conv 63AF > 73CF
Spotted: EHRD 19750803, EHRD 19750806
PH-DEHDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 46075History: (196908)PH-DEH,(198511)TF-FLT,(199005)N512FP,(199309)N818AX
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EHAM 19810404, EHAM 19820514
Picture at: EHAM 19810404
PH-DEFDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 46080History: PH-DEF,N880UP
Spotted: EHRD 19731227, EHAM 19740729, EHAM 19760806, EHAM 19760809
6Y-JIIDouglas DC-8-62c/n: 46084Spotted: EGLL 19780914
N864FDouglas DC-8-63CFc/n: 46087History: (196904)N864F,..,(198806)N906R
Spotted: EGPK 19780910
Picture at: EGPK 19780910
PH-DEGDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 46092History: (196912)PH-DEG,(N909CL),(198509)conv. 63 > 63AF,(198512)N951R
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, to EHRD 19760508, EHAM 19760803, EHAM 19760806
N4869TDouglas DC-8-63CFc/n: 46117History: (197005)N4869T,..,(198609)C-GXBF,(199201)N821AX
Spotted: EHAM 19820227
Picture at: EHAM 19820227
PH-DEKDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 46121History: (PI-C827),PH-DEK,TF-FLV,EI-CAK,N786AL
Spotted: EHAM 19760803, EHAM 19760806, EHAM 19761228, EHAM 19820227, EHAM 19830618
Picture at: EHAM 19830618
PH-DELDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 46122History: (PI-C829),PH-DEL,5Y-ZEB,N823AX
Spotted: EHAM 19740729, EHAM 19760803, EHAM 19760806
N801WADouglas DC-8-63CFc/n: 46133History: (N6165A),(197103)N801WA,..,(198601)N961R,STD s29.3.00 pkd Smyrna
Spotted: EGKK 19780912
PH-DEMDouglas DC-8-63c/n: 46141History: PH-DEM,S7-SIS,HB-IBF,N824AX
Spotted: EHAM 19781122