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OE-LF.Fokker 70c/n: Spotted: EHAM(2) 20030916
PH-OF. (G?)Fokker 100c/n: Spotted: EHAM(1) 20050113
OE-LV.Fokker 70c/n: Spotted: EHAM 20121024
G-UKFAFokker 100c/n: 11246FF 19890324
History: PH-EZB,(198904)C-FICY,(199108)N602RP,(199210)G-UKFA,(200303)PH-OFA
Spotted: EHAM 20010217,
G-UKFJFokker 100c/n: 11248History: SEE: PH-OFJ
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20010131,
PH-OFJFokker 100c/n: 11248FF 19881125
History: PH-EZD,(198901)PH-INC,(198901)C-FICB,(199110)F-GIOV,(199601)G-UKFJ,(200303)PH-OFJ
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20030923, EHAM(1) 20031104, EHAM(2) 20040308, EHAM(1) 20040622, EHAM(1) 20041103
F-GIOXFokker 100c/n: 11249History: SEE: PH-OFK
Spotted: LGIR 19930619
G-UKFKFokker 100c/n: 11249History: SEE: PH-OFK
Spotted: EHAM 20021227
PH-OFKFokker 100c/n: 11249FF 19881210
History: PH-EZE,(198901)PH-INA,(198901)C-FICO,(199110)F-GIOX,(199602)G-UKFK,(200303)PH-OFK
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20030923, EHAM(2) 20031007
  I-ALPXF100c/n: 11251built 1988
History: PH-EZD,(198806)HB-IVC,(199611)I-ALPX,WFU 2008
Spotted: LFRD 20170609
I-ALPX at LFRD 20170609 | F100
Picture at: LFRD 20170609
  I-ALPZF100c/n: 11252built 1988
History: PH-EZE,(198807)HB-IVD,(199610)I-ALPX,WFU 2008
Spotted: LFRD 20170609
I-ALPZ at LFRD 20170609 | F100
Picture at: LFRD 20170609
I-ELGFFokker 100c/n: 11253Spotted: EHAM(2) 20050113
CS-TPFF100c/n: 11258History: CS-TPF,(198912)TR-LCR,(199412)CS-TPF
Spotted: EBBR 20130921
Picture at: EBBR 20130921
G-UKFDFokker 100c/n: 11259History: SEE: PH-OFD
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20010131,
PH-OFDFokker 100c/n: 11259History: (198902)PH-EZJ,(198902)C-FICP,(199211)G-UKFD,(200305?)PH-OFD
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20030911
PH-OFEFokker 100c/n: 11260FF 19890302
History: PH-EZK,(198903)C-FICQ,(199212)G-UKFE,(200303)PH-OFE,PRE 20110531 Panorama terrace EHAM
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20031202, EHAM(1) 20050809, EHAM 20080830, EHAM 20110813, EHAM 20120530, EHAM 20130719, EHAM 20211002, EHAM 20220418, EHAM 20220617, EHAM 20221012, EHAM 20230424, EHAM 20230708, EHAM 20231231, EHAM 20240829
Picture at: EHAM 20130719
G-UKFEFokker 100c/n: 11260History: SEE: PH-OFE
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20021031
CS-TPBFokker 100c/n: 11262Spotted: LPPT 20040114
G-UKFCFokker 100c/n: 11263History: PH-EZF,C-FICL,N602DG
Spotted: EHAM 20030114
G-UKFMFokker 100c/n: 11269History: (198902)PH-KLD,(199010)F-OGQL,(199010)F-GIDQ,(199211)PH-KLD,(199810)G-UKFM
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20030911
G-UKFNFokker 100c/n: 11270History: SEE: PH-KLE
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20010131, EHAM 20030114
PH-KLEFokker 100c/n: 11270History: (198901)PH-KLE,(199010)F-GIDP,(199211)PH-KLE,(199706)G-UKFN,(200311)PH-KLE
Spotted: EHAM 20060817
G-UKFOFokker 100c/n: 11271History: SEE: PH-KLG
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20021031
PH-KLGFokker 100c/n: 11271History: (198904)PH-KLG,(199011)F-GIDO,F-OGQM,F-GIDO,(199211)PH-KLG,(199710)G-UKFO,(200309)PH-KLG
Spotted: EHAM 20060817
PH-KLIFokker 100c/n: 11273History: (198906),(198906)PH-KLI,(199003)F-OGQB,(199006)F-GIDM,(199211)PH-KLI,(199703)G-UKFR,(2003?)PH-KLI
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20031028
PH-OFFFokker 100c/n: 11274FF 19890612
History: (198906)PH-EZB,(198911)PH-ZCK,(199311)G-UKFF,(200303)PH-OFF
Spotted: EHAM 20090716
G-UKFGFokker 100c/n: 11275History: PH-KLL,PH-EZV,PH-ZCL,G-UKFG
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20021031, EHAM 20030114
PH-OFHFokker 100c/n: 11277Spotted: EHAM(1) 20031202
G-UKFIFokker 100c/n: 11279History: PH-KLO,PH-EZX,PH-ZCN,G-UKFI
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20021031
CS-TPCFokker 100c/n: 11287Spotted: EHAM(1) 20050710, EHAM 20081014
F-GNLHFokker 100c/n: 11311History: PH-EZE,F-GIOC,D-ADFB,F-GNLH
Spotted: LFPG 20030114, LFPG(2) 20030916, LFPG(2) 20030923, LFPG(2) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031118
G-BYDPFokker 100c/n: 11321History: (199012)PH-EZA,(199102)G-FIOS,PH-RRC,(199308)PH-RRI,(199311)SE-DUA,(199509)N132ML,F-WQJA,(199902)G-BYDP,
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20010516
G-BYDOFokker 100c/n: 11323History: (199012)PH-EZC,(G-FIOT),PH-EZC,(PH-LNP),(199106)PH-CFA,(199312)SE-DUB,(199507)N131ML.(199903)G-BYDO
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20010131
Picture at: LFPG(1) 20010131
F-GPNKFokker 100c/n: 11324History: (199101)PH-EZG,(199106)PH-CFB,(199308)SE-DUC,(200007)F-GPNK
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030911
F-GPNLFokker 100c/n: 11325History: PH-EZI,(G-FIOV),PH-EZI,(PH-LNT),PH-CFC,SE-DUD,F-GPNL
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20030423
G-BXWF (MF?)Fokker 100c/n: 11328History: (199103)PH-EZM,(199106)PH-CFF,(199310)F-GKLX,(199604)PH-CFF,(199807)G-BXWF
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030930
EI-DBEFokker 100c/n: 11329Spotted: EHAM(2) 20041012
F-GPXFFokker F 28 MK 0100c/n: 11330built 1991
History: (199911)F-GPXF
Spotted: LFRU 20100731
Picture at: LFRU 20100731
CS-TPEFokker 100c/n: 11342Spotted: LPPT 20040114
F-GNLGFokker 100c/n: 11363History: (199110)PH-EZV,(199112)F-GIOF,(199404)D-ADFE,(199703)F-GNLG
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030916, LFPG(2) 20030916
F-GIOGFokker 100c/n: 11364Spotted: LFPG(1) 20031125, LFPG 20060630
OE-LVKFokker 100c/n: 11397Spotted: EHAM 20060817
  PH-OFLFokker 100c/n: 11444Spotted: EHAM 20110813
PH-OFL at EHAM 20110813 | Fokker 100
Picture at: EHAM 20110813
  OE-LVCFokker 70c/n: 11446FF 19930310
History: (199303)PH-EZN,(199304)N1443A,(200408)PH-ZZF,(200409)OE-LVC
Spotted: EHAM 20120418
OE-LVC at EHAM 20120418 | Fokker 70
Picture at: EHAM 20120418
EC-IPVFokker 100c/n: 11451History: PH-EZT,PT-MRJ,PH-ZDJ,(200310)EC-IPV
Spotted: LEMH 20070805
Picture at: LEMH 20070805
EC-IVOFokker 100c/n: 11452History: PH-EZU,PT-MCN,PH-RRN,PT-WHK,PH-RRN,(200406)EC-IVO
Spotted: LEMH 20070815
Picture at: LEMH 20070815
OE-LVHFokker 100c/n: 11456Spotted: EHAM 20070815
Picture at: EHAM 20070815
PH-OFPFokker 100c/n: 11472FF 19950127
History: PH-EZU,(199502)PT-MRP,(200701)PH-OFP,STO 201301 EHAM
Spotted: EHAM 20130719
PH-OFNFokker 100c/n: 11477FF 19931221
History: PH-EZZ,(199401)N106ML,F-WQPK,(200205)PH-EUS,(200206)PK-PFG,F-OHXA,(200603)PH-OFN
Spotted: EHAM 20080719, EHAM 20090716
G-BVJAFokker 100c/n: 11489History: (199404)PH-EZE,(19904)G-BVJA
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030930
OE-LVAFokker 100c/n: 11490Spotted: EHAM 20070206
OE-LVBFokker 100c/n: 11502Spotted: EHAM 20060817, EHAM 20120530
Picture at: EHAM 20120530
-Fokker 100c/n: 11508?History: "218"
Spotted: Aviodome 20021227
Picture at: Aviodome 20021227
  OE-LVDFokker 100c/n: 11515Spotted: EHAM 20070613, EHAM 20121024
OE-LVD at EHAM 20121024 | Fokker 100
Picture at: EHAM 20121024
OE-LVGFokker 100c/n: 11520FF 19940525
History: PH-EZV,(199406)N1474D,(200411)PH-ZFJ,(200502)OE-LVG
Spotted: EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM 20130719
-Fokker 100c/n: 11524History: nose, used with fuselage + wings other a/c for static tests
Spotted: EHLE 20050827, EHLE Aviodrome 20060106
Picture at: EHLE 20050827
PH-MJLFokker 100c/n: 11527FF 19940830
History: PH-EZN,(199412)PK-MJG,F-WQGZ,(199807)PT-MQG,(200406)F-WLLF,F-OLLF,(200407)B-12295,(200807)PH-MJL
Spotted: EHAM 20080719
Picture at: EHAM 20080719
PH-JCHFokker 70c/n: 11528FF 19941111
History: PH-EZS,(199411)PH-JCH,(199504)N528YV,(199709)OE-LFS,(200210)PH-JCH
Spotted: EHAM 20030113, EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM 20130719
OE-LFIFokker 70c/n: 11529History: (199502)PH-EZL,(199503)PK-JGI,(199810)PH-WXF,(199810)OE-LFI
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20030902, EHAM(1) 20030911, EHAM 20091020
  PH-KZLFokker 70c/n: 11536History: (199503)PH-EZH,(03.95)9V-SLK,(03.00)PH-KZL
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20000914, EHAM(1) 20030923, EHAM 20040113, EHAM(1) 20040308, EHAM 20160807
PH-KZL at EHAM 20160807 | Fokker 70
Picture at: EHAM 20160807
PH-JCTFokker F28 Mk.0070c/n: 11537Spotted: EHAM(1) 20021031, EHAM 20030113, LFPG 20030113, EHAM 20060817
PH-KZOFokker 70c/n: 11538History: (199504)PH-EZX,(199504)G-BVTE,(200203)PH-KZO
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20030923, EHAM(2) 20031007, EHAM 20040113, EHAM(1) 20040308, EHAM 20060817, EHAM 20070613, EHAM 20120530, EHAM 20150511
Picture at: EHAM 20120530
  PH-KZPFokker F.28 Mk. 0070c/n: 11539Spotted: EHAM 20030113, EHAM 20060817, EHAM 20160807
PH-KZP at EHAM 20160807 | Fokker F.28 Mk. 0070
Picture at: EHAM 20160807
PH-KBXFokker 100c/n: 11547History: (199509)PH-KBX
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20040622, EHAM 20040911, EHAM(2) 20050113, EHAM 20070613
OE-LFGFokker 70c/n: 11549History: (199505)PH-EZW,(199505)OE-LFG
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20030930, EHAM(1) 20031209
  PH-KZRFokker F.28 Mk. 0070c/n: 11551History: (1995)
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20030902, EHAM(1) 20031028, EHAM(1) 20031202, EHAM 20040113, EHAM(1) 20041103, EHAM 20060628, EHAM 20120530, EHAM 20150505
PH-KZR at EHAM 20150505 | Fokker F.28 Mk. 0070
Picture at: EHAM 20150505
PH-KZNFokker 70c/n: 11553FF 19950918
History: PH-EZZ,(199509?)PH-MXN,(199509)PK-PFE,(200109)PH-KZN
Spotted: EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM 20130719
OE-LFHFokker 70c/n: 11554Spotted: EHAM(1) 20031118, EHAM(1) 20031202
OE-LFKFokker 70c/n: 11555Spotted: EHAM(1) 20031125, EGLC 20071109
  PH-KZWFokker 70c/n: 11558FF 19951117
History: (199511)PH-RRW,(199511)F-GLIX,(2008)PH-KZW
Spotted: EHAM 20090716, EHAM 20110813, EHAM 20120530, EHAM 20130719
PH-KZW at EHAM 20110813 | Fokker 70
Picture at: EHAM 20110813
F-GLIXFokker 70c/n: 11558History: SEE: PH-KZW
Spotted: LFPG 20021022
OE-LFOFokker 70c/n: 11559History: (199509)PH-EZV,(199510)OE-LFO
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20030423
OE-LFPFokker 70c/n: 11560Spotted: EHAM(1) 20040217
PH-KZMFokker 70c/n: 11561FF 19951027
History: (199510)PH-EZR,(199511)9V-SLL,(200005)PH-KZM
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20000914, EHAM 20020501, EHAM 20030113, EHAM(1) 20030911, EHAM(1) 20031028, EHAM 20040113, EHAM(1) 20040308, EHAM(2) 20040629, EHAM 20060628, EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM 20130719
PH-KZBFokker 70c/n: 11562FF 19960212
History: (199602)(PK-JGK),(199602)PH-KZB
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20010131, EHAM 20041125, EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM 20130719
PH-WXDFokker 70c/n: 11563FF 19951127
History: (199511)PH-EZT,(199512)I-REJA,(199710)HA-LMD,(200410)PH-WXD
Spotted: EHAM 20120530, EDDW 20140620
Picture at: EHAM 20120530
PH-KZCFokker F.28 Mk. 0070c/n: 11566History: (199603)(PK-JGL),(199605)PH-KZC
Spotted: LFPG 20010320, EHAM 20010320, EHRD 20030327, EHAM(1) 20030930, EHAM(1) 20031014
PH-KZAFokker 70c/n: 11567History: (199601)(PK-JGM),(199602)PH-KZA
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20000914, EHAM(1) 20010516, LFPG 20021022, EHAM 20021022, EHAM 20021227, EHAM(1) 20030911, EHAM(1) 20031104, EHAM(2) 20031209, EHAM 20040113, EHAM 20110813, EHAM 20120427, EHAM 20120530
Picture at: LFPG 20021022
OE-LFQFokker 70c/n: 11568History: (199603)PH-EZC,(199604)OE-LFQ
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20030916, EHAM(1) 20030923, EHAM 20040114, EHAM(1) 20040203
PH-WXAFokker 70c/n: 11570History: (199602)PH-EZZ,(199602)I-REJO,(199712)PH-WXA
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20010131, EHAM(2) 20010131, EHAM(1) 20031014, EHAM(2) 20050113, EHAM(1) 20050809
Picture at: EHAM(2) 20010131
OE-LFLFokker 70c/n: 11573History: (199512)PH-EZW,(199512)I-REJE,(199706)PH-WXE,(199708)OE-LFL
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20031007, EHAM(1) 20031014, EHAM(1) 20031028, EHAM(1) 20031104, EHAM(1) 20040308
Picture at: EHAM(1) 20040308
PH-WXCFokker 70c/n: 11574FF 19951224
History: (199512)PH-EZY,(199601)I-REJI,(199712)PH-WXC
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20000914, EHAM(2) 20000914, EHAM(1) 20030911, EHAM(1) 20031202, EHAM(1) 20050809, EHAM 20071125, EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM(2) 20000914
PH-KZEFokker 70c/n: 11576History: (199609)PH-EZF,(199610)PH-KZE
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20000914, EHAM 20010320, EHAM 20020501, EHAM 20030113, EHAM(1) 20030827, EHAM(1) 20031104, EHAM(1) 20031202, EHAM 20040113, EHAM 20040809, EHAM 20120602
Picture at: EHAM 20030113
PH-KZFFokker 70c/n: 11577FF 19960920
History: (199609)PH-EZG,(G-BVTH)(199610)PH-KZF
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20000914, EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM 20130719
PH-KZGFokker 70c/n: 11578History: (199611)PH-EZI,(G-BWTI),(199610)PH-KZG
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20000914, EHAM(2) 20000914, EHAM(1) 20030902, LFPG(2) 20030930, EHAM(1) 20031104, EHAM 20060817
PH-KZIFokker 70c/n: 11579FF 19970320
History: (199703)PH-EZK,(I-REJC),(199703)PH-KZI
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20000914, EHAM 20040113, EHAM 20130719, EHAM 20160807
Picture at: EHAM(2) 20000914
PH-KZKFokker 70c/n: 11581History: (199704)PH-EZM,(I-REJD),(199704)PH-KZK
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20010516, EHAM(1) 20030827, EHAM(1) 20031014, EHAM(2) 20031209, EHAM 20040113, EHAM(2) 20041103, EHAM 20060817
PH-KZDFokker 70c/n: 11582History: (PK-JGN),PH-KZD
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20021031, EHAM 20030113, EHAM(1) 20040308, EHAM(1) 20041103, EHAM(2) 20050113, EHAM 20060817, EHAM 20080719, EHAM 20090816
PH-KZHFokker 70c/n: 11583History: (199702)PH-KZH
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20031014, EHAM(1) 20050809, EHAM 20060628, EHAM 20080719
-F100, nose, mockupc/n: xHistory: wooden mockup for testing antennae positions
Spotted: EHLE 20050827, EHLE Aviodrome 20060106
Picture at: EHLE 20050827