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All aircraft I once logged and which I labeled as Cessna 525. When a large picture is available, shown by , click the image.

PH-MGTCessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0042History: (199401)N96MD,(199807)PH-MGT
Spotted: EHAM 20040911, EHAM(2) 20041012
D-ILIACessna 525 CitationJet CJ1c/n: 525-0044built 1993
Spotted: EHAM 20240829
D-IHEBCessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0064built 1994
History: N2649S,(199408)D-IHEB(3?)
Spotted: EBAW 20010607
  F-HGPGCessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0102built 1995
History: N202CJ,(199511)TC-ORO,(200404)LX-LOV,(201004)HB-VWP,(201608)F-HGPG
Spotted: LFPB 20190621
F-HGPG at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525 CitationJet
Picture at: LFPB 20190621
D-ICSSCessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0121built 1995
History: (199601)TC-EMA,(200003)D-ICSS
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20031209
  D-ITRACessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0177History: (199703)N1280A,(199801)G-OCSB,(200012)G-OWRC,(200401)F-HASC,(200801)OE-FWM,(201410)D-ITRA
Spotted: LFPB 20190621
D-ITRA at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525 CitationJet
Picture at: LFPB 20190621
  VP-BDSCessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0180built 1997
History: N123AV,(200002)VP-BDS
Spotted: LEMG 20141216
VP-BDS at LEMG 20141216 | Cessna 525 CitationJet
Picture at: LEMG 20141216
D-IGASCessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0223History: D-IGAS
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20040217, EHAM(2) 20040308, EHAM(2) 20040629, EHAM(2) 20041012, EHAM(1) 20050424
Picture at: EHAM(1) 20050424
F-HIVACessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0235built 1998
History: LX-GCA,(200804)F-HIVA
Spotted: LFPB 20130622
Picture at: LFPB 20130622
D-IGZACessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0260Spotted: EHAM(2) 20040203
OE-FMICessna 525 Citationjetc/n: 525-0315History: (199904)D-IAME,(200309)S5-BAY,(200703)OE-FMI
Spotted: LIRP 20080802
Picture at: LIRP 20080802
PH-ECICessna 525 CitationJetc/n: 525-0321History: (199906)D-IAAS(4),(199909)PH-ECI
Spotted: EHRD 20070616
Picture at: EHRD 20070616
  EC-MPNCessna 525 Citation CJ1c/n: 525-0396built 2000
History: (200009)D-IMAC,(201205)D-IKCS,(201801)EC-MPN
Spotted: LFPB 20190621
EC-MPN at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525 Citation CJ1
Picture at: LFPB 20190621
PH-SOLCessna 525 Citation CJ1c/n: 525-0417Spotted: EHAM(2) 20040203, EHAM(2) 20040622, EHAM(2) 20041012, EHAM(1) 20050424
Picture at: EHAM(1) 20050424
OY-RGGCessna 525 Citation CJ1c/n: 525-0495Spotted: LIRU 20090717
Picture at: LIRU 20090717
PH-FISCessna 525 Citation CJ1c/n: 525-0514Spotted: EHAM(2) 20040217, EHAM 20040809, EHAM 20040911, EHAM(1) 20050205, EHAM 20090221
Picture at: EHAM 20090221
D-ILHDCessna 525 Citation CJ1+c/n: 525-0694History: (D-ILHA),(200906)D-ILHD(2)
Spotted: ETMN 20130817
Picture at: ETMN 20130817
  D-ILHACessna 525 Citation CJ1+c/n: 525-0696Spotted: ETNG 20170702
D-ILHA at ETNG 20170702 | Cessna 525 Citation CJ1+
Picture at: ETNG 20170702
PH-ECLCessna 525A Citation CJ2c/n: 525A-0054History: N5161J,(EI-OPM),(200202)D-IAAS(5),(PH-EDL),(200204)PH-ECL
Spotted: EHRD 20020613
Picture at: EHRD 20020613
9H-PMNCessna 525A Citation CJ2c/n: 525A-0067Spotted: EHAM 20240829
D-IDMHCessna 525A Citation CJ2c/n: 525A-0174History: (200307)D-IDMH
Spotted: EHAM 20040911
OO-FLNCessna 525A Citation CJ2c/n: 525A-0179History: (200309)OO-FLN
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20031209
  EC-NARCessna 525A Citation CJ2c/n: 525A-0206built 2004
History: (200406)N29MR,(200605)OO-CIV,(201811)EC-NAR
Spotted: LFPB 20190621
EC-NAR at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525A Citation CJ2
Picture at: LFPB 20190621
  D-ILCGCessna 525A Citation CJ2c/n: 525A-0230built 2005
History: N5136J,(200507)D-IGRO,(201904)D-ICLG
Spotted: EHAM 20220418
D-ILCG at EHAM 20220418 | Cessna 525A Citation CJ2
Picture at: EHAM 20220418
  9A-DWACessna 525A Citation CJ2+c/n: 525A-0412Spotted: LEMG 20141216
9A-DWA at LEMG 20141216 | Cessna 525A Citation CJ2+
Picture at: LEMG 20141216
  D-IVVBCessna 525A Citation CJ2+c/n: 525A-0500History: (201212)D-ILIB,(201303)D-IVVB
Spotted: EDDW 20140620
D-IVVB at EDDW 20140620 | Cessna 525A Citation CJ2+
Picture at: EDDW 20140620
S5-BAWCessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0016Spotted: LFPB 20100918
Picture at: LFPB 20100918
  N83TFCessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0094built 2006
Spotted: KMTH 20140801
N83TF at KMTH 20140801 | Cessna 525B Citation CJ3
Picture at: KMTH 20140801
OO-FPCCessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0147built 2007
History: N5168Y,(200705)OO-FPC
Spotted: LIQS 20080724
Picture at: LIQS 20080724
  LX-WEBCessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0173built 2007
History: (200708)OO-LIE,(201610)LX-WEB
Spotted: LFPB 20190621
LX-WEB at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525B Citation CJ3
Picture at: LFPB 20190621
  OO-FYSCessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0197built 2007
History: (200711)D-CUUU,(201003)OO-FYS
Spotted: LFOP 20170610
OO-FYS at LFOP 20170610 | Cessna 525B Citation CJ3
Picture at: LFOP 20170610
  D-COGACessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0198History: VP-BRJ,(201103)OY-TSA,(202109)D-COGA
Spotted: EDDF 20220806
D-COGA[02] at EDDF 20220806 | Cessna 525B Citation CJ3
Picture at: EDDF 20220806
  OO-EDVCessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0200built 2007
History: N5073G,(200711)OO-EDV
Spotted: EHRD 20160903
OO-EDV at EHRD 20160903 | Cessna 525B Citation CJ3
Picture at: EHRD 20160903
PH-FJKCessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0291History: (200812)PH-FJK
Spotted: EHAM 20090830
Picture at: EHAM 20090830
N525EZCessna 525B Citation CJ3c/n: 525B-0295built 2009
History: N520TV,(200902)N525EZ
Spotted: LFPB 20130622
Picture at: LFPB 20130622
D-CEUSCessna 525C Citation CJ4c/n: 525C-0233Spotted: EHAM 20240829