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Log: Paris - Charles de Gaulle Intl Apt
Date: 2003-10-14
Time: 19:05-20:25
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This log contains sightings of aircraft that I spotted while at this location.
When I was able to make (some) pictures, these are included too, no matter the quality.
The four letter ICAO code is used when applicable. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

F-GNIGType: Airbus A340-313X
c/n: 0174
First flight:
History: (199705)F-GNIG
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(1) 20040308
 F-GFKOType: Airbus A320-211
c/n: 0129
First flight: 19900928
History: (199011)F-GFKO,SCR 200909
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20010516, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(1) 20031202, LFPG(2) 20040203, LFPG(1) 20040308
 F-GRHUType: Airbus A319-111
c/n: 1471
First flight: 20010326
History: D-AVYR,(200104)F-GRHU,(202103?)OE-IFU
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20010516, LFPG(2) 20030827, LFPG(2) 20031014, EHAM 20070116, LFPG 20070116, EHAM 20070206, LFPG 20070206, LFPG(2) 20080703
 F-GJNVType: Boeing 737-548
c/n: 26287
First flight:
History: (199302)EI-CDS,(199903)F-GJNV
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20010516, LFPG(2) 20030827, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20031118
 F-GRHRType: Airbus A319-111
c/n: 1415
First flight: 20010116
History: D-AVYF,(200101)F-GRHR
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20010516, LFPG(1) 20030423, LFPG(2) 20030911, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(1) 20031202, LFPG 20070124, EHAM 20070124, LFPG 20070207, EHAM 20070207
 F-GISBType: Boeing 747-428 (SCD)
c/n: 25302
First flight:
History: (199111)F-GISB
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20010516, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20031104, LFPG(2) 20040629
 F-GHQKType: Airbus A320-211
c/n: 0236
First flight: 19910717
History: (199110)F-GHQK
Where & when: EHAM(2) 20000914, LFPG(2) 20010516, EHAM(2) 20010516, LFPG(1) 20021031, LFPG 20030114, LFPG(2) 20030827, LFPG(2) 20030902, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20031104, LFPG(2) 20031118, EHAM(1) 20050205, EHAM 20120530
 F-GJVBType: Airbus A320-211
c/n: 0145
First flight: 19901121
History: F-WWDL,(199101)F-GJVB,SCR
Where & when: LFPG 20021021, LFPG(2) 20030423, LFPG(2) 20031014, EHAM(1) 20060529, LFPG(1) 20060529
 F-GRHYType: Airbus A319-111
c/n: 1616
First flight: 20011025
History: D-AVWG,(200111)F-GRHY
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20021031, LFPG(2) 20030423, LFPG(1) 20030902, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20031104, LFPG 20060630
 F-GFKFType: Airbus A320-111
c/n: 0020
First flight: 19881209
History: (198902)F-GFKF,SCR 200906
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20021031, LFPG(2) 20030827, LFPG(1) 20030911, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(1) 20031202, EHAM(1) 20031209, LFPG(1) 20031209, LFPG(2) 20040308, EHAM(2) 20040308, EHAM 20060628
 F-GJVGType: Airbus A320-211
c/n: 0270
First flight: 19911114
History: (199201)F-GJVG,SCR
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20021031, LFPG(2) 20030423, LFPG(2) 20030902, LFPG(1) 20030911, LFPG(2) 20030930, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20031202, LFPG(1) 20031209, LFPG(2) 20031209, LFPG(2) 20040203, EHAM(2) 20040203, LFPG(2) 20040217, EHAM(2) 20040217, LFPG(1) 20040622, LEMD 20121020
 F-GJVWType: Airbus A320-211
c/n: 0491
First flight: 19940906
History: F-WWBS,N131LF,(199410)F-GJVW,WFU 201405,PRE fire dump CDG
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20021031, LFPG(1) 20030923, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20031104, EHAM(2) 20031104, LFPG(2) 20031202, LFPG(2) 20040308, EHAM 20130719
 OY-APNType: Boeing 737-5L9
c/n: 28997
First flight:
History: (199802),(199803)OY-APN
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030423, LFPG(2) 20030423, LFPG(1) 20030911, LFPG(2) 20030911, LFPG(2) 20030916, LFPG(1) 20030923, LFPG(2) 20030923, LFPG(1) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(1) 20031202
 F-GJNPType: Boeing 737-5H6
c/n: 27356
First flight:
History: (199409),(199410)9M-MFI,(200009)F-GJNP
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030827, LFPG(2) 20030827, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(1) 20040217
 F-GJNHType: Boeing 737-528
c/n: 25233
First flight:
History: (199203)F-GJNH
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20030827, LFPG(2) 20031007, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(1) 20031202, EHAM 20070131
 F-GFKZType: Airbus A320-211
c/n: 0286
First flight: 19911216
History: (199203)F-GFKZ,SCR
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20030827, LFPG(2) 20030911, LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20031202, LFPG(2) 20050113, LFPG 20070614
 F-GHVOType: Boeing 737-33A
c/n: 24025
First flight:
History: (199805),(198806)F-GFUB,(199010)G-MONU,(199204)F-GFUB,(199204)F-GHVO
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20030902, EHAM(2) 20030902, LFPG(2) 20030916, EHAM(1) 20030923, LFPG(1) 20030923, LFPG(2) 20031014, EHAM(2) 20031014
 F-GSPGType: Boeing 777-228ER
c/n: 27609
First flight:
History: (199902)F-GSPG
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20031014
 F-GJNMType: Boeing 737-528
c/n: 25237
First flight:
History: (199304)F-GJNM
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20031014
 F-GSPUType: Boeing 777-228ER
c/n: 32309
First flight:
History: (200201),(200202)F-GSPU
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20031014
 F-GJNFType: Boeing 737-528
c/n: 25231
First flight:
History: (199201)F-GJNF
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20031014
 SP-LKCType: Boeing 737-55D
c/n: 27418
First flight:
History: (199211),(199212)SP-LKC
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20031014
 F-GRNCType: Boeing 737-85F
c/n: 28821
First flight:
History: (199811)N1786B,(199812)F-GRNC
Where & when: LFPG(2) 20031014, LFPG(2) 20040308