Home > Available years > Logs in 2019 > Log: LFPB 20190621
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Log: Le Bourget
Date: 2019-06-21
Time: 9:05-15:40
Additional info: 53me Salon
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This log contains sightings of aircraft that I spotted while at this location.
When I was able to make (some) pictures, these are included too, no matter the quality.
The four letter ICAO code is used when applicable. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

676 at LFPB 20190621 | Mirage 2000D676

Operator: French AF
Type: Mirage 2000D
c/n: 550
First flight:
History: 676/F-ZABF
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
x {2019-08} at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus Helicopters H160M (mockup)-

Type: Airbus Helicopters H160M (mockup)
c/n: x
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N441FF at LFPB 20190621 | Saab SF 340BN441FF

Type: Saab SF 340B
c/n: 441
First flight: 19980528
History: SE-B41,(199806)N441XJ,(201112)SE-MCG,conv MSA Maritime Security demonstrator,(201808)N441FF
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
123/30-GB at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Rafale C123/30-GB

Operator: French AF
Type: Dassault Rafale C
c/n: 123
First flight:
History: 133/30-GB[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
04/709-FF at LFPB 20190621 | Pilatus PC-2104/709-FF

Operator: French AF
Type: Pilatus PC-21
c/n: 296
First flight: built 2017
History: (201708)HB-HVD,(2017)04/709-FF[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-MBJZ at LFPB 20190621 | Eurocopter EC-665 Tigre HADF-MBJZ

Type: Eurocopter EC-665 Tigre HAD
c/n: 6026
First flight:
History: F-MBJZ/BJZ[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
10[04] at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Rafale M10

Type: Dassault Rafale M
c/n: 10
First flight:
History: F-UHZZ?
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
C-FNFO at LFPB 20190621 | Bell 429C-FNFO

Type: Bell 429
c/n: 57224
First flight: built 2014
History: (201510)C-FNFO
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N208CN at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EXN208CN

Type: Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX
c/n: 208B-5415
First flight: built 2017
History: (201710)N208CN
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
D-CNEU at LFPB 20190621 | Dornier 228-212D-CNEU

Type: Dornier 228-212
c/n: 8206
First flight:
History: (199204)D-CDOQ,(1992)D-DCIV,(199206)PH-MNZ,()D-CNEU
Where & when: LFPB S 20130622, LFPB 20190621
F-JBTF / 01AHA at LFPB 20190621 | AeroSpool WT9 DynamicF-JBTF / 01AHA

Type: AeroSpool WT9 Dynamic
c/n: DY-612/2017
First flight:
History: (2018?)01-AHA/F-JBTF
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N626LA at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 680A Citation LatitudeN626LA

Type: Cessna 680A Citation Latitude
c/n: 680A-0026
First flight:
History: N626LA
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N610AT at LFPB 20190621 | AT-6/Textron 3000N610AT

Type: AT-6/Textron 3000
c/n: AT-1
First flight: built 2009
History: N610AT
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N505YY at LFPB 20190621 | Bell 505 Jet Ranger XN505YY

Type: Bell 505 Jet Ranger X
c/n: 65178
First flight: built 2019
History: N505YY
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
x {2019-09} at LFPB 20190621 | Bell 525 mockup-

Type: Bell 525 mockup
c/n: x
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N288DW at LFPB 20190621 | Hawker BE250 King AirN288DW

Type: Hawker BE250 King Air
c/n: BY-288
First flight: built 2017
History: (201705)N288DW
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
x {2019-13} at LFPB 20190621 | Voltaero mockup-

Type: Voltaero mockup
c/n: x
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-GFDA at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 2000SF-GFDA

Type: Dassault Falcon 2000S
c/n: 743
First flight: built 2018
History: F-WWG.?,(201902)F-GFDA
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HAPD at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 172S Skyhawk SPF-HAPD

Type: Cessna 172S Skyhawk SP
c/n: 172S-11402
First flight:
History: N9531P,F-HAPD
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
OE-FMF[02] at LFPB 20190621 | Diamond Aircraft DA62-MSA Special MissionOE-FMF

Type: Diamond Aircraft DA62-MSA Special Mission
c/n: 62.105
First flight: built 2019
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
OE-VGE at LFPB 20190621 | Diamond Aircraft Dart 550OE-VGE

Type: Diamond Aircraft Dart 550
c/n: DART.003
First flight: 20180524
History: (201805)OE-VGE
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
OE-VRX at LFPB 20190621 | Diamond Aircraft DA42 MPP NG GuardianOE-VRX

Type: Diamond Aircraft DA42 MPP NG Guardian
c/n: 42.M013
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB S 20130622, LFPB 20190621
x {2019-14} at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus/Dassault NGF - New Generation Fighter (mockup)-

Type: Airbus/Dassault NGF - New Generation Fighter (mockup)
c/n: x
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WWFS at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 900LXF-WWFS

Type: Dassault Falcon 900LX
c/n: 316
First flight: built 2019
History: F-WWFS
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-GCDP at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 8XF-GCDP

Type: Dassault Falcon 8X
c/n: 439
First flight: built 2018
History: F-WWVS,(201807)F-GCDP
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
301 at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Rafale B301

Operator: French AF
Type: Dassault Rafale B
c/n: 301
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
73TA at LFPB 20190621 | Guerin G-1 SPYL73TA

Type: Guerin G-1 SPYL
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-JBCD / 17AAT at LFPB 20190621 | I.C.P. MXP-740 Savannah SF-JBCD / 17AAT

Type: I.C.P. MXP-740 Savannah S
c/n: 16-08-54-0491
First flight:
History: 17-AAT/F-JBCD
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HJPG at LFPB 20190621 | Cirrus Design Corp SR22F-HJPG

Type: Cirrus Design Corp SR22
c/n: 3934
First flight:
History: N312PG,F-HJPG
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WUAV at LFPB 20190621 | SAGEM S-15 PatrollerF-WUAV

Type: SAGEM S-15 Patroller
c/n: 5
First flight:
History: F-WUAV
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HNGA at LFPB 20190621 | Mudry CAP.10BF-HNGA

Type: Mudry CAP.10B
c/n: 95
First flight:
History: F-HNGA
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N719SJ at LFPB 20190621 | Honda HA-420 HondaJet EliteN719SJ

Type: Honda HA-420 HondaJet Elite
c/n: 42000149
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-RBAK at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus A400M-180 AtlasF-RBAK

Type: Airbus A400M-180 Atlas
c/n: 053
First flight: 20161202
History: A4M053,(201701)F-RBAK/0053[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
98-1209 at LFPB 20190621 | Kawasaki C-298-1209

Operator: Japanese AF
Type: Kawasaki C-2
c/n: 9
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WATC at LFPB 20190621 | Eulair Twin2/Aéronix AirelleF-WATC

Type: Eulair Twin2/Aéronix Airelle
First flight:
History: (2017?)F-WATC/F-JPSM
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
77-BTI at LFPB 20190621 | Dynali H3 EasyFlyer77-BTI

Type: Dynali H3 EasyFlyer
c/n: H3-..-19.. ?
First flight:
History: 77-BTI/F-JDIC
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-AZPF at LFPB 20190621 | Fouga CM.175 ZéphyrF-AZPF

Type: Fouga CM.175 Zéphyr
c/n: 28
First flight: built 1960
History: ..,F-AZPF
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-JBTI at LFPB 20190621 | Air Création SkypperF-JBTI

Type: Air Création Skypper
c/n: T18028
First flight:
History: F-JBTI
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-JBIS / 68AIH at LFPB 20190621 | Magni Gyro M-16 Tandem TrainerF-JBIS / 68AIH

Type: Magni Gyro M-16 Tandem Trainer
c/n: 16-14-8524
First flight:
History: 68-AIH/F-JBIS
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
86SE at LFPB 20190621 | Groppo G70 Trail86SE

Type: Groppo G70 Trail
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
D-FFOX at LFPB 20190621 | Quest Kodiak 100 Series IID-FFOX

Type: Quest Kodiak 100 Series II
c/n: 100-0268
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
25ABG at LFPB 20190621 | Alisport Silent 2 Electro25ABG

Type: Alisport Silent 2 Electro
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-PLIO at LFPB 20190621 | Colomban MC15 CriCriF-PLIO

Type: Colomban MC15 CriCri
c/n: 646
First flight:
History: F-PLIO
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-PSCH at LFPB 20190621 | Pottier P190SF-PSCH

Type: Pottier P190S
c/n: 01
First flight: built 2002
History: F-PSCH,WFU
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
VF140 at LFPB 20190621 | Leonardo AW139VF140

Type: Leonardo AW139
c/n: 31845
First flight: built 2019
History: I-RAIN,(201904)VF-140[I]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
78 at LFPB 20190621 | ATR7278

Operator: Pakistan Navy
Type: ATR72
c/n: 712
First flight: 20040706
History: F-WWEL,(200407)EC-JAH,(201303)78[AP]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-GJMN at LFPB 20190621 | Fouga CM.170 MagisterF-GJMN

Type: Fouga CM.170 Magister
c/n: 424
First flight: built 1964
History: ..,F-GJMN
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
HB-FXR at LFPB 20190621 | Pilatus PC-12/47EHB-FXR

Type: Pilatus PC-12/47E
c/n: 1862
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
12-139 at LFPB 20190621 | PAC JF-17 Thunder12-139

Operator: Pakistan AF
Type: PAC JF-17 Thunder
c/n: FC10131
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
D-CAAN at LFPB 20190621 | Dornier 328-110D-CAAN

Type: Dornier 328-110
c/n: 3061
First flight: built 1995
History: D-CDXD,(199507)N460PS,(200501)OY-NCK,(201110)HB-AEO,(2018)D-CAAN
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
HB-VVV at LFPB 20190621 | Pilatus PC-24HB-VVV

Type: Pilatus PC-24
c/n: 140
First flight:
History: HB-VVV
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
PR-ZTX at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer EMB 550 Praetor 600PR-ZTX

Type: Embraer EMB 550 Praetor 600
c/n: 550-20002
First flight:
History: PR-ZTX
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
x {2019-10} at LFPB 20190621 | TAI T625 Gükbey (mockup)-

Type: TAI T625 Gükbey (mockup)
c/n: x
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
x {2019-11} at LFPB 20190621 | TAI Hürjet (mockup)-

Type: TAI Hürjet (mockup)
c/n: x
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
x {2019-12} at LFPB 20190621 | TAI TF-X (mockup)-

Type: TAI TF-X (mockup)
c/n: x
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-AZKU at LFPB 20190621 | Curtiss P-40N-5-CU WarhawkF-AZKU

Type: Curtiss P-40N-5-CU Warhawk
c/n: 29677
First flight: built 1942
History: 42-105915[N],WFU Tadji (PNG),(1974)recovered,(1977?)PRE RAAF museum Point Cook,(1988)VH-KTI,(200805)F-AZKU
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
PT-ZNX at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer EMB 390 KC39PT-ZNX

Type: Embraer EMB 390 KC39
c/n: 390-00004
First flight:
History: PT-ZNX
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
x {2019-15} at LFPB 20190621 | Eviation Alice (mockup?)-

Type: Eviation Alice (mockup?)
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WWEE at LFPB 20190621 | ATR 72-212AF-WWEE

Type: ATR 72-212A
c/n: 1548
First flight: built 2019
History: F-WWEE,N700SV
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
15-46009 at LFPB 20190621 | Boeing KC-46A Pegasus15-46009

Operator: USAF
Type: Boeing KC-46A Pegasus
c/n: 41858
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
905 at LFPB 20190621 | Black Kazan Ansat905

Type: Black Kazan Ansat
c/n: PT-05 / 030901
First flight:
History: 905,905 Grey[RA],905 Black[RA]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
910 at LFPB 20190621 | Black Kazan Ansat910

Type: Black Kazan Ansat
c/n: 33114
First flight:
History: 910,910 White[RA],910 Black[RA],RA-20035
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N87AU at LFPB 20190621 | Boeing Aurora PegasusN87AU

Type: Boeing Aurora Pegasus
c/n: AU-087
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N550GD at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G550N550GD

Type: Gulfstream G550
c/n: 5574
First flight: built 2018
History: N574GA,(201809)N550GD
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N650GF at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G650ERN650GF

Type: Gulfstream G650ER
c/n: 6341
First flight: built 2018
History: N641GA,(201811)N650GF
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-AZLT at LFPB 20190621 | Morane Saulnier MS.760 A ParisF-AZLT

Type: Morane Saulnier MS.760 A Paris
c/n: 32
First flight: built 1959
History: 32[F],(200306)F-AZLT,FF after restauration: 20030527
Where & when: LFRU 20100731, LFPB S 20130622, LFPB 20190621
F-AYSB at LFPB 20190621 | Canadair CL-13B Mk6 SabreF-AYSB

Type: Canadair CL-13B Mk6 Sabre
c/n: S6-1675
First flight:
History: ..,(201905)F-AYSB
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-BPVJType: Boeing 747-128
c/n: 20541
First flight:
History: (197210),(197302)N28903,(F-BPVI) NTU,(198201)F-BPVJ, WFU to Musée de l'Air
Where & when: LFPB 20030622, LFPB Museum 20100918, LFPB S 20130622, LFPB 20190621
N600G at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G600N600G

Type: Gulfstream G600
c/n: 73005
First flight: 20161217
History: N750GD,(201612)N600G
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N280GD at LFPB 20190621 | IAI Gulfstream G280N280GD

Type: IAI Gulfstream G280
c/n: 2166
First flight: built 2018
History: (201812)N216GA,(201904)N280GD
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
169002 at LFPB 20190621 | Boeing 737 - P-8A169002

Operator: US Navy
Type: Boeing 737 - P-8A
c/n: 44943
First flight:
History: 169002/PD-002
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
15-08466 at LFPB 20190621 | CH4715-08466

Operator: US Army
Type: CH47
c/n: M8466
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
31+16 at LFPB 20190621 | Eurofighter EF-2000 Taifun31+16

Operator: German AF
Type: Eurofighter EF-2000 Taifun
c/n: 176/AS009
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
16707 at LFPB 20190621 | CASA C-295M16707

Operator: Portugese AF
Type: CASA C-295M
c/n: S-061
First flight: 2009
History: EC-061,(200909)16707[CS],(2013-2015?)UN-060P,16707[CS]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
17-03173 at LFPB 20190621 | AH-64E Apache17-03173

Operator: US Army
Type: AH-64E Apache
c/n: NM173
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
91-0332 at LFPB 20190621 | McDonnell Douglas F-15E-52-MC91-0332

Operator: USAF
Type: McDonnell Douglas F-15E-52-MC
c/n: 1239
First flight:
History: 91-0332/LN
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
76-3301 at LFPB 20190621 | Lockheed LC-130H Hercules76-3301

Operator: USAF
Type: Lockheed LC-130H Hercules
c/n: 382-4725
First flight:
History: 76-3301
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WMIL at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus A350-1041 (prototype)F-WMIL

Type: Airbus A350-1041 (prototype)
c/n: 59
First flight: 20161124
History: F-WMIL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-UJCH at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus A330-243MRTTF-UJCH

Operator: French AF
Type: Airbus A330-243MRTT
c/n: 0042
First flight:
History: ..,F-UJCH/042[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N302VX at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus VAH001 VahanaN302VX

Type: Airbus VAH001 Vahana
c/n: 002
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
D-HMBB at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus Helicopters H145M/EC645T2D-HMBB

Operator: Serbian AF
Type: Airbus Helicopters H145M/EC645T2
c/n: 20253
First flight: built 2018
History: (2019)D-HMBB,(2019)14505[YU]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WWOF at LFPB 20190621 | NHV Airbus H175F-WWOF

Type: NHV Airbus H175
c/n: 5042
First flight:
History: F-WWOF
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N45366 at LFPB 20190621 | DC-3AN45366

Type: DC-3A
c/n: 11757
First flight:
History: (194511)42-68830[N],(1945)conv C-53D-DO > DC-3A,(194511)NC45366,(195902)N45366 D-DAY VETERAN
Where & when: LFRK 20190608, LFPB 20190621
11-5736 at LFPB 20190621 | Lockheed C-130J-30 Hercules11-5736

Operator: USAF
Type: Lockheed C-130J-30 Hercules
c/n: 382-5736
First flight:
History: 11-5736/RS
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N605VV at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier CL-600-2B16/Challenger CL-605N605VV

Type: Bombardier CL-600-2B16/Challenger CL-605
c/n: 5773
First flight: built 2008
History: C-FUVF,N344FX,(200912)N8888G,(201705)N605VV
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
C-GVKI at LFPB 20190621 | De Havilland Canada 6 Twin Otter 400C-GVKI

Type: De Havilland Canada 6 Twin Otter 400
c/n: 897
First flight: built 2014
History: (201406)C-GVKI
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
G-MAZS at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier BD-700-1A11 Global 6000G-MAZS

Type: Bombardier BD-700-1A11 Global 6000
c/n: 9549
First flight: built 2013
History: (201304)C-GUEU,(201403)M-BMAL,201410)9H-SMB,(201803)G-MAZS
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-GBOL at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier BD-700-1A11 Global 6000F-GBOL

Type: Bombardier BD-700-1A11 Global 6000
c/n: 9500
First flight:
History: (201204)C-GOEB,(201306)F-GBOL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HTTL at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier CL-600-2B16/Challenger CL-650F-HTTL

Type: Bombardier CL-600-2B16/Challenger CL-650
c/n: 6112
First flight: built 2017
History: C-FAQK,(201804)F-HTTL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N950CM at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G650ERN950CM

Type: Gulfstream G650ER
c/n: 6270
First flight: built 2017
History: N670GA,(201709)N950CM
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
OE-IZI at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G550OE-IZI

Operator: Tyrolean Jet Services
Type: Gulfstream G550
c/n: 5302
First flight: built 2017
History: N532GA,(201103)D-ASAF,(201308)OE-IZI
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-YSBA/65 at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer 121ANF-YSBA/65

Operator: French Navy
Type: Embraer 121AN
c/n: 121-065
First flight:
History: 65/F-YSBA
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N767FL at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream VN767FL

Type: Gulfstream V
c/n: 503
First flight: built 1996
History: (199907)N503GV,(200908)N767FL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N711RL at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G650N711RL

Type: Gulfstream G650
c/n: 6072
First flight: built 2013
History: N672GA,(201406)N71RL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
OO-PCI at LFPB 20190621 | Pilatus PC-12/47EOO-PCI

Type: Pilatus PC-12/47E
c/n: 1380
First flight: built 2012
History: HB-FRF,(201212)OO-PCI
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HTCH at LFPB 20190621 | Beechcraft 200 Super King AirF-HTCH

Type: Beechcraft 200 Super King Air
c/n: BB-1006
First flight:
History: N6300S(198203),(199711)N680CB,(200404)CN-TPH,(201312)F-HTCH
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
HB-IYP at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 50HB-IYP

Type: Dassault Falcon 50
c/n: 183
First flight: built 1987
History: (1988)I-CAFD,(201707)HB-IYP
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HDOG at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 550 Citation IIF-HDOG

Type: Cessna 550 Citation II
c/n: 550-0085
First flight: built 1979
History: N2663Y,(1979)OY-GKC,N57AJ,OE-GBA,(201101)EI-MED,(201309)G-IMED,(201503)N143TW,(201705)G-IMED,(201711)F-HDOG
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HBFK at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 550 Citation IIF-HBFK

Type: Cessna 550 Citation II
c/n: 550-0625
First flight: built 1990
History: N6846T,(200803)F-HBFK
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-GVBK at LFPB 20190621 | Raytheon 390 Premier IF-GVBK

Type: Raytheon 390 Premier I
c/n: RB- 73
First flight: built 2003
History: N107WR,(201005)F-GVBK
Where & when: LFPB 20100918, LFPB 20130622, LFPB 20190621
D-ICAC at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 551 Citation II/SPD-ICAC

Type: Cessna 551 Citation II/SP
c/n: 551-0010
First flight: built 1979
History: YV-137CP,(200108)N55AL,(200311)D-ICAC
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N5105A at LFPB 20190621 | Lockheed Martin C-130 LM-100J Super HerculesN5105A

Type: Lockheed Martin C-130 LM-100J Super Hercules
c/n: 382-5824
First flight: 20171011
History: N5101A
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
LX-GJC at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus A318-112CJLX-GJC

Type: Airbus A318-112CJ
c/n: 3100
First flight: 20070420
History: D-AIEA,(200802)LX-GJC,(202101)M-LILY
Where & when: LFPB 20100918, LFPB 20190621
I-TOPD at LFPB 20190621 | Beech 400A BeechjetI-TOPD

Type: Beech 400A Beechjet
c/n: RK-163
First flight: built 1997
History: XA-JET,(20040)N163BJ,(200410)I-TOPD
Where & when: LFPB 20190621, EHAM 20220617
N107AL at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G550N107AL

Type: Gulfstream G550
c/n: 5395
First flight:
History: (201201)N195GA,(201304)OE-LPN,(201705)N107AL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HAPE at LFPB 20190621 | Raytheon BE1900DF-HAPE

Type: Raytheon BE1900D
c/n: UE-367
First flight: built 1999
History: (199905)N30515,(19906)F-HAPE
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
EC-NAR at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525A Citation CJ2EC-NAR

Type: Cessna 525A Citation CJ2
c/n: 525A-0206
First flight: built 2004
History: (200406)N29MR,(200605)OO-CIV,(201811)EC-NAR
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N711RH at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G550N711RH

Type: Gulfstream G550
c/n: 5010
First flight:
History: N910GA,(200401)N711RL,(201602)N711RZ,(201708)N711RH
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
CS-LAS at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 680A Citation LatitudeCS-LAS

Type: Cessna 680A Citation Latitude
c/n: 680A-0015
First flight:
History: (201512)CS-LAS
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
OE-GCH at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 550 Citation BravoOE-GCH

Type: Cessna 550 Citation Bravo
c/n: 550-1022
First flight:
History: N5168Y,(200206)CS-DHE,(201101)SE-DJH,(201506)LN-IDD,(201806)OE-GCH
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
CN-FCC at LFPB 20190621 | Raytheon B350CN-FCC

Type: Raytheon B350
c/n: FL- 759
First flight:
History: (201205)N81379,(201209)CN-FCC
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
D-ITRA at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525 CitationJetD-ITRA

Type: Cessna 525 CitationJet
c/n: 525-0177
First flight:
History: (199703)N1280A,(199801)G-OCSB,(200012)G-OWRC,(200401)F-HASC,(200801)OE-FWM,(201410)D-ITRA
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HSAO at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 680A Citation LatitudeF-HSAO

Type: Cessna 680A Citation Latitude
c/n: 680A-0075
First flight:
History: N5188A,(201704)F-HSAO
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N855DM at LFPB 20190621 | Boeing 737-83N(WL)N855DM

Type: Boeing 737-83N(WL)
c/n: 32663
First flight: 20041105
History: (200411)VT-JGE,(201812)N855DM
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N25HL at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G550N25HL

Type: Gulfstream G550
c/n: 5066
First flight: built 2005
History: (200509)N966GA,(200603)N250DV,(201609)N280DV,(201702)N25HL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N888ZJ at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global ExpressN888ZJ

Type: Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global Express
c/n: 9071
First flight:
History: (200008)C-GHDQ,(200202)D-ADNB,(201110)VP-CLY,(201510)N888ZJ
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
I-DPRA at LFPB 20190621 | AgustaWestland AW139I-DPRA

Type: AgustaWestland AW139
c/n: 31449
First flight: built 2013
History: (201301)I-DPRA,(202002)9M-WBC
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WWDD at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus A380-861F-WWDD

Type: Airbus A380-861
c/n: 0004
First flight: 20051018
History: conv 200905 A380-841 > 861 FF 20090606
Where & when: LFPB S 20130622, LFPB 20190621
N209PB at LFPB 20190621 | Pilatus PC-12/45N209PB

Type: Pilatus PC-12/45
c/n: 609
First flight: built 2005
History: (200501)HB-FRI,(200503)N595PB,(200504)HS-SMC,(200701)G-INTO,(201008)N209PB
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
M-EDZE at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global ExpressM-EDZE

Type: Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global Express
c/n: 9097
First flight: built 2001
History: (200103)C-GIPD,(200209)N903TF,(200611)N908TE,(200710)N902MM,(201309)A6-MHA,(201503)M-ALSH,(201806)M-EDZE
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
G-RNFR at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier CL-600-2B16/Challenger CL-605G-RNFR

Type: Bombardier CL-600-2B16/Challenger CL-605
c/n: 5983
First flight: built 2015
History: (201504)N605ZK,(201604)G-RNFR
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N450D at LFPB 20190621 | Boeing PT-13D KaydetN450D

Type: Boeing PT-13D Kaydet
c/n: 75-5099
First flight: built 1943
Where & when: LFPB 20190621, LFFQ 20240519
M-MJLD at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 680A Citation LatitudeM-MJLD

Type: Cessna 680A Citation Latitude
c/n: 680A-0017
First flight:
History: N5243K,M-MJLD
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
A6-ANK at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer ERJ 135BJA6-ANK

Type: Embraer ERJ 135BJ
c/n: 145-1045
First flight: 200808
History: ..,(200805)A6-ANK
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
CS-LTJ at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 680A Citation LatitudeCS-LTJ

Type: Cessna 680A Citation Latitude
c/n: 680A-0165
First flight:
History: (201812)CS-LTJ
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-GMBO at LFPB 20190621 | Aerospatiale AS.350B2 EcureuilF-GMBO

Type: Aerospatiale AS.350B2 Ecureuil
c/n: 2253
First flight: built 1989
History: F-GMBO
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N70PS at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global ExpressN70PS

Type: Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global Express
c/n: 9012
First flight: built 1998
History: (199806)C-GDGY,(200008)N70PS
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
PR-ZIQ at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer ERJ 190-400STD / E195-E2PR-ZIQ

Type: Embraer ERJ 190-400STD / E195-E2
c/n: 190-20041
First flight: 20171118
History: PR-ZIQ
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HFCS at LFPB 20190621 | Hawker Beechcraft 900XPF-HFCS

Type: Hawker Beechcraft 900XP
c/n: HA-0073
First flight: built 2008
History: N3283V,(200811)M-ONAV,(201807)F-HFCS
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
D-BEAR at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 750 Citation XD-BEAR

Type: Cessna 750 Citation X
c/n: 750-0085
First flight: built 1999
History: N985QS,N5103J,(199909)D-BTEN,D-BEAR
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
EC-MPN at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525 Citation CJ1EC-MPN

Type: Cessna 525 Citation CJ1
c/n: 525-0396
First flight: built 2000
History: (200009)D-IMAC,(201205)D-IKCS,(201801)EC-MPN
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
LX-SAB at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 900DXLX-SAB

Type: Dassault Falcon 900DX
c/n: 619
First flight: built 2008
History: F-WWVB,(200806)LX-SVW,(201507)LX-SAB
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
VP-CZW at LFPB 20190621 | Boeing 737-7JW BBJVP-CZW

Type: Boeing 737-7JW BBJ
c/n: 38408
First flight: 20131208
History: (201312)G-CICL,(201401)M-GEAA,(201509)VP-CZW
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
D-AVAN at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer ERJ 135BJ Legacy 600D-AVAN

Type: Embraer ERJ 135BJ Legacy 600
c/n: 145-1092
First flight: built 2012
History: PT-TFR,PT-SMC,(201212)D-AVAN
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WWPL at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus Helicopters H160F-WWPL

Type: Airbus Helicopters H160
c/n: PT2
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-AZYI at LFPB 20190621 | Bréguet 1050 AlizeF-AZYI

Type: Bréguet 1050 Alize
c/n: 59
First flight:
History: 59[F],F-AZYI
Where & when: LFPB 20190621, EGVA 20240721
HB-JSK at LFPB 20190621 | Bombardier BD-700-1A11 Global 6000HB-JSK

Type: Bombardier BD-700-1A11 Global 6000
c/n: 9805
First flight: built 2017
History: (201707)C-FVEK,(201803)D-ASNK,(201810)HB-JSK
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-AZSB at LFPB 20190621 | North American P-51D-30-NA MustangF-AZSB

Type: North American P-51D-30-NA Mustang
c/n: 122-40967
First flight:
History: 44-74427[N],(196001)N9148R,(196201)N2251D,(200005)F-AZSB
Where & when: LFPB S 20130622, LFPB 20190621
OO-XVI at LFPB 20190621 | Supermarine VS 361 Spitfire LF.XVIeOO-XVI

Type: Supermarine VS 361 Spitfire LF.XVIe
c/n: 4756/CBAF.IX.4756
First flight: built 1945
History: SL721[G],…,(197304)G-BAUP,(197707)C-GVZB,(201804)OO-XVI
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
NX377WW at LFPB 20190621 | North American T-28B TrojanNX377WW

Type: North American T-28B Trojan
c/n: 200-140
First flight: built 1954
History: 137777[N],(201003?)N377WW/"NX377WW KV-863"
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
I-FEDN at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 2000LXI-FEDN

Type: Dassault Falcon 2000LX
c/n: 204
First flight: built 2009
History: F-WWJN,(200912)I-FEDN
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
x {2019-16} at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus H130(?) & H145(?) - mock-ups ?-

Type: Airbus H130(?) & H145(?) - mock-ups ?
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
LX-WEB at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525B Citation CJ3LX-WEB

Type: Cessna 525B Citation CJ3
c/n: 525B-0173
First flight: built 2007
History: (200708)OO-LIE,(201610)LX-WEB
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
OE-FZC at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 510 Citation MustangOE-FZC

Type: Cessna 510 Citation Mustang
c/n: 510-0196
First flight: built 2009
History: (200905)EI-SFC,(201103)OE-FZC
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
D-ASIM at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 7XD-ASIM

Type: Dassault Falcon 7X
c/n: 106
First flight: built 2010
History: F-WWZK,PR-BTG,N106FJ,(201205)VP-CSG,(201311)M-ABGO,(201404)VP-CSG,(201604)F-HMOD,D-ASIM
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
OO-GHE at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 2000LXOO-GHE

Type: Dassault Falcon 2000LX
c/n: 243
First flight: built 2012
History: F-WWML,(201301)OO-GHE
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-BXRO at LFPB 20190621 | Robin DR400 180RF-BXRO

Type: Robin DR400 180R
c/n: 1074
First flight: built 1975
History: F-BXRO
Where & when: LFFC 20190608, LFPB 20190621
F-PFJP at LFPB 20190621 | Stolp SA.300 Starduster TooF-PFJP

Type: Stolp SA.300 Starduster Too
c/n: 265-2
First flight:
Where & when: LFPB S 20130622, LFPB 20190621
F-GLLM at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 8XF-GLLM

Type: Dassault Falcon 8X
c/n: 438
First flight: built 2018
History: F-WWVR,(201804)F-GLLM
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
EC-LYO at LFPB 20190621 | Gulfstream G550EC-LYO

Type: Gulfstream G550
c/n: 5430
First flight: built 2013
History: N850GA,(201309)EC-LYO
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
HB-VNA at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 560 Citation UltraHB-VNA

Type: Cessna 560 Citation Ultra
c/n: 560-0280
First flight: built 1994
History: N1298G,(199412)PH-MDC,(200104)HB-VNA
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
N47W at LFPB 20190621 | Spartan 47WN47W

Type: Spartan 47W
c/n: 25
First flight: built 1939
History: N47W
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
CS-DXQ at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 560XL Citation XLSCS-DXQ

Type: Cessna 560XL Citation XLS
c/n: 560-5704
First flight:
History: (200706)CS-DXQ
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-CHBA at LFPB 20190621 | Marganski Swift S-1F-CHBA

Type: Marganski Swift S-1
c/n: 108
First flight: built 1992
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HJFL at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer EMB 505 Phenom 300F-HJFL

Type: Embraer EMB 505 Phenom 300
c/n: 505-00442
First flight:
History: F-HJFL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WLAB at LFPB 20190621 | Pipistrel Alpha Electro 167F-WLAB

Type: Pipistrel Alpha Electro 167
c/n: 832 AE 60
First flight:
History: (201803)F-WLAB
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
LX-WJD at LFPB 20190621 | Honda HA-420 HondaJet EliteLX-WJD

Type: Honda HA-420 HondaJet Elite
c/n: 42000114
First flight: built 2019
History: N114WJ,(201905)LX-WJD
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-MEAY at LFPB 20190621 | NH Industries NH-90 TTHF-MEAY

Type: NH Industries NH-90 TTH
c/n: 1338
First flight:
History: F-MEAY/EAY[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HGPG at LFPB 20190621 | Cessna 525 CitationJetF-HGPG

Type: Cessna 525 CitationJet
c/n: 525-0102
First flight: built 1995
History: N202CJ,(199511)TC-ORO,(200404)LX-LOV,(201004)HB-VWP,(201608)F-HGPG
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
CS-DLD at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 2000EXCS-DLD

Type: Dassault Falcon 2000EX
c/n: 109
First flight: built 2007
History: F-WWGX,(200704)CS-DLD
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WWMZ at LFPB 20190621 | Mudry-Apex CAP 222F-WWMZ

Type: Mudry-Apex CAP 222
c/n: 01
First flight:
History: (2016?)F-WWMZ
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-HBOB at LFPB 20190621 | Aviat S-2B Pitts SpecialF-HBOB

Type: Aviat S-2B Pitts Special
c/n: 5289
First flight: built 1983
History: ..,F-HBOB
Where & when: LFPB 20190621, LFFQ 20240519
HB-MTR at LFPB 20190621 | Extra EA 330/SCHB-MTR

Type: Extra EA 330/SC
c/n: SC027
First flight: built 2011
History: (201103)HB-MTR
Where & when: LFPB S 20130622, LFOR 20170610, LFPB 20190621
F-HXAL at LFPB 20190621 | Extra EA 300/SCF-HXAL

Type: Extra EA 300/SC
c/n: SC047
First flight:
History: (201404)F-HXAL
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WWQA at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Falcon 8X (prototype)F-WWQA

Type: Dassault Falcon 8X (prototype)
c/n: 401
First flight: 20150206
History: (201412)F-WWQA
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-MBJJ at LFPB 20190621 | Eurocopter EC-665 Tigre HADF-MBJJ

Type: Eurocopter EC-665 Tigre HAD
c/n: 6010
First flight:
History: F-MBJJ/BJJ[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-AZKT at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault MD-311 FlamantF-AZKT

Type: Dassault MD-311 Flamant
c/n: 260
First flight: built 1955
History: 318-KT,F-AZKT
Where & when: LFPB 20190621, LFFQ 20240519
129/4-GH at LFPB 20190621 | Dassault Rafale C129/4-GH

Operator: French AF
Type: Dassault Rafale C
c/n: 129
First flight:
History: 129/4-GH[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
9H-MIP at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus A380-8419H-MIP

Type: Airbus A380-841
c/n: 0006
First flight: 20061117
History: F-WWSC,(200803)9V-SKC,(201712)D-ASKC,(201807)9H-MIP
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-WTTN at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus A330-941 (prototype 900NEO)F-WTTN

Type: Airbus A330-941 (prototype 900NEO)
c/n: 1795
First flight: 20171019
History: F-WTTN
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
F-RBAN at LFPB 20190621 | Airbus A400M-180 AtlasF-RBAN

Type: Airbus A400M-180 Atlas
c/n: 073
First flight: 20180130
History: EC-403/A4M073,(201803)F-RBAN/0073[F]
Where & when: LFPB 20190621
FA- 57 at LFPB 20190621 | General Dynamics F-16AMFA- 57

Type: General Dynamics F-16AM
c/n: 80-3548 6H- 57
First flight:
History: 80-3548[FMS],FA57[OO]
Where & when: EHLW 20060617, LFPB 20190621, EBBL 20220910
F-HLXR at LFPB 20190621 | Elixir LSAF-HLXR

Type: Elixir LSA
c/n: 001
First flight: built 2017
History: F-HLXR
Where & when: LFPB 20190621