Home > Available years > Logs in 2013 > Log: ETMN 20130817
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Log: Nordholz AB
Date: 2013-08-17
Time: 10:05-13:25
Additional info: Spottersday
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This log contains sightings of aircraft that I spotted while at this location.
When I was able to make (some) pictures, these are included too, no matter the quality.
The four letter ICAO code is used when applicable. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

 1128/RH-28Type: Saab J105Ö
c/n: 105-428
First flight:
History: 1128/RH-28 Red H[OE]
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-HEOEType: MBB/Kawasaki BK117B-2
c/n: 7247
First flight:
History: (1992)D-HFIL,(199210)D-HBWF(2),(2001)D-HEOE
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-HDLHType: Robinson 44 Raven II
c/n: 11915
First flight:
History: (200709)D-HMKV,(201105)OE-XSK,(2012)D-HDLH(4)
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EGFHType: Putzer Elster B
c/n: 043
First flight:
History: ..,97+20[D],(197904)D-EGFH
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EWTFType: Aquila A210
c/n: AT01-225
First flight:
History: (201203?)D-EWTF
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EGZRType: Heliopolis Gomhouria MK.6 (Bü 181)
c/n: 185
First flight:
History: ..,SU-347[SU],(199006)D-EGZR
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
N69HType: BE D17S/Beech UC-43 Traveler
c/n: 4896
First flight: built 1943
History: 43-10848[N](1971)N69H
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EOLDType: Taylorcraft BC-12D
c/n: 10218
First flight:
History: NC44418,N44418,D-EMAF(1),(1964)OE-AFV,(200104)D-EOLD(4)
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EGFGType: Piper L-18C-PI Super Cub
c/n: 18- 3420
First flight:
History: ..,96+02[D],(197806)D-EGFG
Where & when: ETMN 20130817, ETNG 20170702
D-ESBHType: Messerschmitt Bf.108B-1 Taifun
c/n: 3701-14
First flight: built 1938
History: D-IJHW, AW167/S-6K[G], G-AFZO, HB-ESM, rest 1993,(2008?)D-ESBH cn 1660 Built 1938 (1938) D-IDBT,(193909)G-AFZO,(194109)ES955[G],(194506?)G-AFZO,(194609)G-AFRN,(195004)HB-ESL,SL-AAV,(195905)D-EDIH,crashed 19800907
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-6319Type: Schleicher KA.6CR Rhönsegler
c/n: 1044
First flight:
History: D-6319
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-1486Type: Glaser-Dirks DG-505 Elan Orion
c/n: 5E 152 X 9
First flight:
History: (199506)D-1486
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+70Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA774/106
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EFYZType: Focke-Wulf-Piaggio 149D
c/n: 101
First flight:
History: AS+403[D],90+82[D],(199010)D-EFYZ{2}
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EAJCType: Dornier 27B-1
c/n: 292
First flight:
History: (1963?)SC+712[D],SE+534[D],56+24[D],(197205)D-EAJC
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
T7-CATType: Yakovlev Yak-52
c/n: 83 2906
First flight: built 1983
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-FAMTType: Pilatus PC-9
c/n: 164
First flight:
History: HB-HQK,(199008)D-FAMT
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-ICDYType: Dornier 28D-2 Skyservant
c/n: 4164
First flight:
History: ..,58+9[D],(199407)D-ICDY,WFU 1994,Restored -1998
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
45+30Type: Panavia Tornado IDS
c/n: 577/GS178/4230
First flight:
History: 45+30
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EPUTType: Cessna 172M Skyhawk II
c/n: 172-62514
First flight:
History: N13124,(199911)D-EPUT
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
PH-CGNType: Dornier 228
c/n: 8181
First flight: 19901004
History: D-CBDP,D-CIBA,(199010)YV-535C,D-CBDG,(199708)RP-C2282,(1999)9N-AFS,D-CNLA,(200707)PH-CGN
Where & when: EHAM 20080830, EHAM 20090221, EHAM 20090830, ETMN 20130817
57+04Type: Dornier 228-212(LM)
c/n: 8214
First flight:
History: (199805?)
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EFVPType: Cessna 206H Stationair
c/n: U206-08300
First flight: built 2007
History: (200809?)D-EFVP
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
OH-MVNType: Dornier 228-112
c/n: 8233
First flight:
History: (1995)D-CBDT,(199412)D-CATE(3),(199412)D-CBDB(7),(1995)OH-MVN
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
XV670Type: Sea King HU5
c/n: WA658
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
ZA718Type: Chinook HC4
c/n: M7001/MA030
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
N-175Type: NH Industries NH-90 NFH
c/n: 1175/NNLN05
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
17Type: Bréguet 1150 Atlantic 2
c/n: 17
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
1114Type: PZL M-28B Bryza 1R
c/n: AJG001-05 / 1AJ011-14
First flight:
History: original cn 1AJ011-14
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
50+79Type: C-160D Transall
c/n: 116
First flight:
History: (197809?)
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
LX-N90446Type: Boeing E-3A AWACS
c/n: 22841
First flight:
History: 79-0446
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-HCDLType: Eurocopter EC135P2+
c/n: 0700
First flight:
History: (2009)D-HCDL
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
82+53Type: Eurocopter EC135T1
c/n: 0098
First flight:
History: (200102?)
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
82+62Type: Eurocopter EC135T1
c/n: 0114
First flight:
History: (200209?)
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
60+05Type: Lockheed P-3C Orion
c/n: 5765
First flight:
History: 308[PH],(200610?)60+05
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
SE-MAAType: DHC-8-31AQ
c/n: 622
First flight:
History: (200602)C-FEDJ,(200805)SE-MAA/501
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
FA-110Type: General Dynamics F-16AM
c/n: 87-0054 6H-110
First flight:
History: 87-0054[FMS],FA110[OO]
Where & when: EBBL 20090918, ETMN 20130817
46+57Type: Panavia Tornado ECR
c/n: 906/GS290/4357
First flight:
History: 46+57
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
N434FSType: Douglas A-4N Skyhawk
c/n: 14514
First flight: Built 1972
History: (159815[N]),373[4X],(200909?)N434FS
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-ILHDType: Cessna 525 Citation CJ1+
c/n: 525-0694
First flight:
History: (D-ILHA),(200906)D-ILHD(2)
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
FB-24Type: General Dynamics F-16BM
c/n: 89-0012 6J- 24
First flight:
History: 89-0012[FMS],FB-24[OO]
Where & when: ETMN 20130817, EBBL 20220910
G-BWGLType: Hawker Hunter T.8C
c/n: 41H-695946
First flight: built 1959
History: XF357[G],(200703)G-BWGL/"N-321"
Where & when: EHKD 20070915, EHVK 20090620, ETMN 20130817, EHLW 20160611
D-CGFEType: Gates Learjet 35A
c/n: 36A-062
First flight:
Where & when: LFQI 20110511, ETMN 20130817
60+01Type: Lockheed P-3C Orion
c/n: 5737
First flight:
History: 161369[N],301[PH],(1998?) cvtd,(200606?)60+01[D]
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
S-181Type: Super Lynx Mk90B
c/n: 411
First flight:
History: ZJ903[G],(201104?)S-191[OY]
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
84+74Type: Sikorsky-VFW CH-53G Sea Stallion
c/n: V65-072
First flight:
Where & when: EHDL 19780617, ETMN 20130817
9767Type: Mil Mi-171Sh
c/n: 59489619767
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
9837Type: Mil Mi-171Sh
c/n: 59489619837
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-HEGOType: AS.332L-1 Super Puma
c/n: 2050
First flight: built 1982
History: (198204)G-TIGL,(200512)D-HEGO
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
83+20Type: Super Lynx Mk88A
c/n: 388
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
86+47Type: Bo105P1M
c/n: 6047
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
86+49Type: Bo105P1
c/n: 6049
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
ZZ413Type: AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat HMA2
c/n: 483
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+68Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA772/104
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+53Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA757/76
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+56Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA760/82
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+63Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA767/94
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
ZZ396Type: AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat HMA2
c/n: 481
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817, EHLW 20160611
89+54Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA758/77
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+60Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA764/91
First flight:
History: (197403?)
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+67Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA771/103
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+51Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA745/58
First flight:
History: (198707?)G-17-8
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+65Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA769/97
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-CIDOType: Dornier 24 ATT
c/n: 5345
First flight: built 1944
History: HD.5-4[EC],(1974?)RP-C2403,(1983?)D-CATD,(1979-1983)conv Do-24T-3 >Do-24 ATT FF 19830425,(1994)PRE Deutsches Museum,restored 2003,(2003)RP-C2403,(2012?)D-CIDO
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
72+27Type: Bell (Dornier) 205/UH-1D Iroquois
c/n: 8347
First flight:
History: 72+27[D],WFU
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
70+88Type: Bell (Dornier) 205/UH-1D Iroquois
c/n: 8148
First flight:
History: 70+88[D],WFU,PRE Stadtallendorf?
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
89+55Type: Sea King Mk41
c/n: WA759/81
First flight:
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-MOOJType: Aerostyle Breezer B400
c/n: 038
First flight:
History: (2008?)D-MOOJ
Where & when: ETMN 20130817
D-EAZLType: Cessna 172S Skyhawk SP
c/n: 172S- 8299
First flight:
History: N406SP,(201006)D-EAZL(3
Where & when: ETMN 20130817