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F-G…ERJ145c/n: Spotted: LFPG(2) 20031118
G-EM..ERJ145c/n: Spotted: LFPG(2) 20031118
CS-TPKEmbraer ERJ 145c/n: 145-0041History: (199802)CS-TPK
Spotted: LPPT 20040114
  F-GRGDEmbraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0043Spotted: LFRH 20100727, EHAM 20160813
F-GRGD at EHAM 20160813 | Embraer ERJ 145EU
Picture at: EHAM 20160813
F-GRGEEmbraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0047built 1998
History: PT-SZM,(199803)F-GRGE
Spotted: EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM 20130719
G-EMBF ?Embraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0088History: G-EMBF
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20000914
G-EMBGEmbraer ERJ 145c/n: 145-0094History: (1998)PT-SBQ,(199811)G-EMBG
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20030930
PH-RXCEmbraer ERJ 145c/n: 145-0106History: (199901)EC-GZU,(200009)PH-RXC
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20030827
G-EMBHEmbraer ERJ 145c/n: 145-0107History: (1998?),(199901)G-EMBH
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030930
G-EMBJEmbraer ERJ 145c/n: 145-0134History: (199905)G-EMBJ
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20031209
G-RJXAEmbraer ERJ 145EPc/n: 145-0136History: PT-SDP,(199906)G-RJXA
Spotted: EHAM 20080802
G-RJXCEmbraer ERJ 145EPc/n: 145-0153History: (1999),(199907)G-RJXC
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030916
  N13975Embraer ERJ 145LRc/n: 145-0163History: (199909)N13975
Spotted: KBUF 20140716
N13975 at KBUF 20140716 | Embraer ERJ 145LR
Picture at: KBUF 20140716
  F-GVHDEmbraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0178History: (199910)F-GVHD
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20031007, LFQQ 20170610
F-GVHD at LFQQ 20170610 | Embraer ERJ 145EU
Picture at: LFQQ 20170610
  F-GRGPEmbraer ERJ 135ERc/n: 145-0188built 1999
History: PT-SFL,(199911)F-GRGP
Spotted: LFPG 20021022, LFRT 20170609
F-GRGP at LFRT 20170609 | Embraer ERJ 135ER
Picture at: LFRT 20170609
G-CGMBEmbraer ERJ 135ERc/n: 145-0189built 1999
History: (200004)F-GOHA, (200509)G-CGMB
Spotted: LFRB 20100731
Picture at: LFRB 20100731
F-GOHAEmbraer ERJ 135ERc/n: 145-0189History: (200004)F-GOHA
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20040308
G-EMBMEmbraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0196History: G-EMBM
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20010131,
F-GUFDEmbraer ERJ 145MRc/n: 145-0197History: (200001)F-GUFD
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030827, LFPG(2) 20030902
G-ERJAEmbraer ERJ 145EPc/n: 145-0229History: G-ERJA (converted 145EU > 145EP, when?)
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20010131
Picture at: LFPG(1) 20010131
F-GRGREmbraer ERJ 135ERc/n: 145-0236History: (200003)F-GRGR
Spotted: EHAM 20041125
G-RJXEEmbraer ERJ.145EPc/n: 145-0245History: (200004)G-RJXE
Spotted: LFPG 20030114
G-RJXE ?Embraer ERJ.145EPc/n: 145-0245Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030902
  F-HRAMEmbraer ERJ 145LUc/n: 145-0258built 2000
History: PT-SIR,(200005)LX-LGZ,(201701)F-HRAM
Spotted: LFRT 20170609
F-HRAM at LFRT 20170609 | Embraer ERJ 145LU
Picture at: LFRT 20170609
HB-JADEmbraer ERJ 145LUc/n: 145-0269History: (2000),(20005)HB-JAD
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030916
SP-LGFEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0308History: PT-SKZ,(200009)SP-LGF
Spotted: EHAM 20030113
G-ERJEEmbraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0315Spotted: EHAM 20040113
HB-JAGEmbraer ERJ 145LUc/n: 145-0321History: (200009?)PT-SMM,(200009)HB-JAG
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20030923
  F-GRGKEmbraer ERJ 145LUc/n: 145-0324History: PT-SMQ,(200010)F-GRGK
Spotted: EHAM 20170905
F-GRGK at EHAM 20170905 | Embraer ERJ 145LU
Picture at: EHAM 20170905
G-ERJFEmbraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0325History: (2000)PT-SMR,(200010)G-ERJF
Spotted: EHAM(2) 20031007, EHAM(1) 20031014
F-GUBDEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0333Spotted: EHAM 20040113
Picture at: EHAM 20040113
SP-LGIEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0336Spotted: EHAM 20060628
F-GUEAEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0342History: (2000)PT-SNI,(200012)F-GUEA
Spotted: EHAM(1) 20041103
G-EMBSEmbraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0357History: (2000)PT-SNW,(200012)G-EMBS
Spotted: LFPG 20030114, LFPG(1) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007
HB-JAJEmbraer ERJ 145LUc/n: 145-0382Spotted: LFPG(2) 20030902
F-GVGSEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0385History: PT-SQJ,F-GVGS
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030911
F-GUJAEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0407History: (200104?)PT-STE,200104)F-GUJA
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20030923, LFPG(1) 20031028, LFPG(2) 20031125, LFPG(2) 20040308, EHAM 20050830
F-GUBBEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0419Spotted: EHAM(1) 20031104
HB-JAMEmbraer ERJ 145LUc/n: 145-0420History: PT-SRT,HB-JAM
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030423, LFPG(2) 20030423
G-RJXHEmbraer ERJ 145EPc/n: 145-0442History: (2001)PT-SUN,(200106)G-RJXH
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20031028, EHAM 20060817
G-RJXIEmbraer ERJ 145EPc/n: 145-0454History: (2001)PT-SUZ,(200106)G-RJXI
Spotted: LFPG(1) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007
PT-SACEmbraer ERJ 135BJ Legacyc/n: 145-0462History: (200201)PP-XGM,(200212)PT-SAC
Spotted: LFPB 20030622
Picture at: LFPB 20030622
CE-03Embraer ERJ 145LRc/n: 145-0526Spotted: EBBE 20050915, EBMB 20130921
Picture at: EBBE 20050915
CE-04Embraer ERJ 145LRc/n: 145-0548History: PT-SZL,CE04[OO]
Spotted: EBMB 20130921
Picture at: EBMB 20130921
F-GUBCEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0556History: (200201?)PT-SZR,(200102)F-GUBC
Spotted: LFPG(2) 20030930
G-EMBXEmbraer ERJ 145EUc/n: 145-0573Spotted: LFPG 20030114
Picture at: LFPG 20030114
  N827AEEmbraer ERJ 140LRc/n: 145-0602built 2002
History: PT-SCL,(200206)N827AE
Spotted: KEYW 20140802
N827AE at KEYW 20140802 | Embraer ERJ 140LR
Picture at: KEYW 20140802
  F-GUBEEmbraer ERJ 145MPc/n: 145-0668built 2002
History: PT-SFC,(200212)F-GUBE
Spotted: LFRK 20190608
F-GUBE at LFRK 20190608 | Embraer ERJ 145MP
Picture at: LFRK 20190608
HB-IWXEmbraer ERJ 135BJ Legacyc/n: 145-0841History: PT-SIN,(200412)OE-IWP,(200605)HB-IWX
Spotted: LIRP 20080802
Picture at: LIRP 20080802
OK-KKGEmbraer ERJ 135BJ Legacyc/n: 145-0873Spotted: EHAM 20090221
Picture at: EHAM 20090221
LX-LGKEmbraer ERJ 135LRc/n: 145-0886Spotted: EGLC(2) 20060726
  A6-ANKEmbraer ERJ 135BJc/n: 145-1045FF 200808
History: ..,(200805)A6-ANK
Spotted: LFPB 20190621
A6-ANK at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer ERJ 135BJ
Picture at: LFPB 20190621
  D-AVANEmbraer ERJ 135BJ Legacy 600c/n: 145-1092built 2012
History: PT-TFR,PT-SMC,(201212)D-AVAN
Spotted: LFPB 20190621
D-AVAN at LFPB 20190621 | Embraer ERJ 135BJ Legacy 600
Picture at: LFPB 20190621
A6-VASEmbraer ERJ 135BJ Legacy 600c/n: 145-1156built 2012
History: PT-TCL,(201211)A6-VAS
Spotted: EHAM 20130719
Picture at: EHAM 20130719