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Log: Paris - Charles de Gaulle Intl Apt
Date: 2003-10-07
Time: 9:15-10:15
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This log contains sightings of aircraft that I spotted while at this location.
When I was able to make (some) pictures, these are included too, no matter the quality.
The four letter ICAO code is used when applicable. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

 PH-BDRType: Boeing 737-406
c/n: 24514
First flight:
History: (198909)PH-BDR
Where & when: EHAM(2) 20000914, EHAM(1) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007, EHAM(1) 20031104, EHAM(1) 20031202, EHAM(1) 20050809
 F-GRSDType: Airbus A320-214
c/n: 0653
First flight:
History: SEE: OO-TCP
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20010131, LFPG(2) 20010516, LFPG 20030114, LFPG(1) 20031007, LFPG(2) 20031007, LFPG(1) 20031028, LFPG(2) 20031125
 D-AIPMType: Airbus A320-211
c/n: 0104
First flight: 19900213
History: F-WWIG,(199003)D-AIPM
Where & when: EHAM(1) 20021031, LFPG(1) 20031007
 EI-CVBType: Airbus A320-214
c/n: 1394
First flight: 20001220
History: F-WWIV,(200102)EI-CVB
Where & when: EHAM(1) 20021031, LFPG(2) 20030902, LFPG(1) 20031007, EHAM(1) 20031028, EHAM(2) 20031209, EHAM(1) 20041012, EHAM 20090801, EHAM 20160807
 PH-BXHType: Boeing 737-8K2
c/n: 29597
First flight: 20000728
History: (200007)N1786B,(200008)PH-BXH
Where & when: EHAM(1) 20021031, EHAM 20030114, EHAM(1) 20030930, EHAM(1) 20031007, LFPG(1) 20031007, EHAM(1) 20031104, EHAM(1) 20031202, EHAM 20091020, EHAM 20110813, EHAM 20120530, EHAM 20130719, EHAM 20231231
 F-RADCType: Airbus A310-304
c/n: 418
First flight:
Where & when: LFPG 20021021, LFPG(1) 20030916, LFPG(1) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007, LFPG(1) 20031028
 F-GRNDType: Boeing 737-85F
c/n: 28827
First flight:
History: F-GRND
Where & when: LFPG 20030114, LFPG(1) 20030930, LFPG(2) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007
 G-EMBSType: Embraer ERJ 145EU
c/n: 145-0357
First flight:
History: (2000)PT-SNW,(200012)G-EMBS
Where & when: LFPG 20030114, LFPG(1) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007
 OK-CGIType: Boeing 737-49R
c/n: 28882
First flight:
History: (199701)N1786B,(199702?)N3505D,(199706)N461PR,(200103)OK-CGI
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030423, LFPG(1) 20031007, EHAM 20060630
 A4O-KCType: Airbus A330-243
c/n: 0286
First flight:
History: (199906)F-WWKL,(199907)A4O-KC
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030827, LFPG(1) 20031007
 F-GNIIType: Airbus A340-313X
c/n: 0399
First flight:
History: (200103?),(200104)F-GNII
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030911, LFPG(1) 20031007
 I-ADJAType: Bombardier CL-600-2B19/CRJ-200LR Regional Jet
c/n: 7478
First flight:
History: (2001?)C-FMNY,(200101)C-GIDJ,(200103)I-ADJA,(200506)D-ACRM,(201111)C-GNAF
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030916, LFPG(1) 20031007, LFPG(1) 20031028
 G-BVKCType: Boeing 737-59D
c/n: 24695
First flight:
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030916, LFPG(1) 20031007
 G-CFAHType: BAe RJ100
c/n: 384 (E-3384)
First flight: 20010515
History: G-6-384,(200106)G-CFAH,(200601)HB-IYQ - noted as G-CFAN
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007, EGLC(2) 20041103
 G-CFAFType: BAe RJ100
c/n: 382 (E-3382)
First flight: 20010315
History: G-6-382,(200103)G-CFAF
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007, EGLC 20041125
 G-RJXIType: Embraer ERJ 145EP
c/n: 145-0454
First flight:
History: (2001)PT-SUZ,(200106)G-RJXI
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20030930, LFPG(1) 20031007
 G-DOCTType: Boeing 737-436
c/n: 25853
First flight:
History: (199212)G-DOCT
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 F-GLZKType: Airbus A340-313X
c/n: 0207
First flight:
History: (199712),(199801)F-GLZK
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 N187DNType: Boeing 767-332ER
c/n: 27582
First flight:
History: (199606)N187DN
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 D-ACJJType: Bombardier CL-600-2B19/CRJ-100LR Regional Jet
c/n: 7298
First flight:
History: (1999?)C-FMNY,(199904)D-ACJJ,(201002)C-GEDO,(201003)VQ-BGU
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 D-ACPKType: Bombardier CL-600-2C10/CRJ-701 Regional Jet
c/n: 10063
First flight:
History: (2002?)C-GIBN,(200211)D-ACPK,WFU 201411,SCR
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007, EHAM 20060628
 D-ACJGType: Bombardier CL-600-2B19/CRJ-100LR Regional Jet
c/n: 7220
First flight:
History: (1998?)C-FMMW,(199802)D-ACJG,(201003)C-GFOA,(201005)VQ-BGR,(201512)C-FOEO,(201601)RA- ?
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 G-MIDPType: Airbus A320-232
c/n: 1732
First flight: 20020208
History: F-WWBK,(200205)G-MIDP,(201007)SU-NMB
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007, EHAM(2) 20031202
 F-GSKYType: Boeing 747-312
c/n: 23244
First flight:
History: (198508),(198509)N124KK,(199809)9V-SKK,(200012)N680SW,(200101)TF-ATG,(200104)N680SW,(200107)TF-ATG,(200202)F-GSKY
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 TS-INGType: Airbus A320-211
c/n: 0140
First flight: 19901106
History: F-WWDG,(199101)VH-HYI,(200208)D-AKFW,(200307)TS-ING,(200611)VP-BQI,SCR 2015
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 N653USType: Boeing 767-2B7ER
c/n: 24894
First flight:
History: (199010),(199011)N653US
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 D-BPPPType: ATR 42-512
c/n: 581
First flight:
History: (199909)F-WWLE,F-WWEY,F-WWLE,(199909)D-BPPP
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 C-GPATType: Airbus A310-308
c/n: 597
First flight:
History: (199109)F-WWCU,(199208)A6-EKJ,(200105)C-GPAT
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 VH-OJEType: Boeing 747-438
c/n: 24482
First flight:
History: (199001)VH-OJE
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 N643UAType: Boeing 767-322ER
c/n: 25093
First flight:
History: (199105)N643UA
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 G-BVKDType: Boeing 737-59D
c/n: 26421
First flight:
History: (199204),(199205)SE-DNK,(199411)G-BVKD
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007, LFPG(1) 20031028, LFPG(2) 20031028
 D-AFFYType: Fokker 50
c/n: 20141
First flight: 19881129
History: PH-EXN,(198812)D-AFKF,PH-FZB,(199412)EC-780,(199504?)EC-GAE,(199611)D-AFFY,(200403)PK-TWE,(200412)P-2035[PK]
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007, LFPG(2) 20031007
 9M-M.. ?Type: B747
First flight:
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 F-GFUHType: Boeing 737-4B3
c/n: 24751
First flight:
History: (199108)F-GFUH
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 3B-NAUType: Airbus A340-212
c/n: 0076
First flight: 19941021
History: F-WWJG,(199410)3B-NAU
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007, LFPG(1) 20031209, LFPG 20080626
 EC-HKQType: Boeing 737-85P
c/n: 28388
First flight:
History: (200004),(200005)EC-HKQ
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007
 HZ-AKC ?Type: Boeing 777-268ER
First flight:
Where & when: LFPG(1) 20031007