Home > Available years > Logs in 2010 > Log: LFPA 20100919
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Log: Persan-Beaumont Apt
Date: 2010-09-19
Time: 11:20-13:0
Additional info: Journées Portes Ouvertes
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This log contains sightings of aircraft that I spotted while at this location.
When I was able to make (some) pictures, these are included too, no matter the quality.
The four letter ICAO code is used when applicable. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

 95X.?Type: ULV
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
 77BDJType: Celier Xénon
c/n: CAC 10674S
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
x {2010-02} at LFPA 20100919 | Dassault Mirage 5F-

Type: Dassault Mirage 5F
c/n: 33
First flight:
History: [4X] NTU, STO 1970-72,(1972)13-SO[F]
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GFZU at LFPA 20100919 | Bell 47G-4AF-GFZU

Type: Bell 47G-4A
c/n: 7596
First flight: built 1967
History: (198904)F-GFZU
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GFTZ at LFPA 20100919 | Piper PA-28 161 Cherokee Warrior IIF-GFTZ

Type: Piper PA-28 161 Cherokee Warrior II
c/n: 28-8216093
First flight: built 1981
History: (198809)F-GFTZ
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GJOM at LFPA 20100919 | Piper PA-28 181 Cherokee Archer IIF-GJOM

Type: Piper PA-28 181 Cherokee Archer II
c/n: 2890143
First flight: built 1989
History: (198912)F-GJOM
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GHPN at LFPA 20100919 | Piper PA-28 161 CadetF-GHPN

Type: Piper PA-28 161 Cadet
c/n: 2841252
First flight:
History: (198911)F-GHPN
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GSCP at LFPA 20100919 | Cessna 172R Skyhawk IIF-GSCP

Type: Cessna 172R Skyhawk II
c/n: 172-80170
First flight: built 1997
History: (199803)F-GSCP
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95YD at LFPA 20100919 | Aquilair Swing (Biplace)95YD

Type: Aquilair Swing (Biplace)
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GLOO at LFPA 20100919 | Reims/Cessna F172N Skyhawk IIF-GLOO

Type: Reims/Cessna F172N Skyhawk II
c/n: 1690
First flight: built 1978
History: (199812)F-GLOO
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-BNIZ at LFPA 20100919 | SAN Jodel 140E Mousquetaire IVF-BNIZ

Type: SAN Jodel 140E Mousquetaire IV
c/n: 184
First flight:
History: (196704)F-BNIZ
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GHEV at LFPA 20100919 | Cessna 172N Skyhawk IIF-GHEV

Type: Cessna 172N Skyhawk II
c/n: 172-69730
First flight: built 1977?
History: (199012)F-GHEV
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GMXK at LFPA 20100919 | Robin HR200/120BF-GMXK

Type: Robin HR200/120B
c/n: 266
First flight:
History: (199312)F-GMXK
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GRVR at LFPA 20100919 | Extra EA 300/200F-GRVR

Type: Extra EA 300/200
c/n: 011
First flight: 1997
History: (200511)F-GRVR
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JPDR / 95TY at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création Fun (Racer)F-JPDR / 95TY

Type: Air Création Fun (Racer)
First flight:
History: 95-TY/F-JPDR
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95IN at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création Fun95IN

Type: Air Création Fun
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95TT at LFPA 20100919 | Aquilair Swing (Biplace)95TT

Type: Aquilair Swing (Biplace)
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
77AZB at LFPA 20100919 | DTA Combo/Dynamic 45077AZB

Type: DTA Combo/Dynamic 450
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95VB at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création Buggy95VB

Type: Air Création Buggy
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95IA at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création XS/iXess)95IA

Type: Air Création XS/iXess)
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95WS at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création Tanarg/iXess95WS

Type: Air Création Tanarg/iXess
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95XG at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création Tanarg95XG

Type: Air Création Tanarg
c/n: T08002 (A08002?)
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-PIHV at LFPA 20100919 | Jodel D112F-PIHV

Type: Jodel D112
c/n: 619
First flight:
History: (195709)F-PIHV
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GGKB at LFPA 20100919 | Piper J3C-65 CubF-GGKB

Type: Piper J3C-65 Cub
c/n: 14986
First flight: built 1945
History: .. (199304)F-GGKB
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95AA at LFPA 20100919 | B & F Technik FK-995AA

Type: B & F Technik FK-9
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95ABH at LFPA 20100919 | Best Off Nynja95ABH

Type: Best Off Nynja
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95VL at LFPA 20100919 | Best Off Skyranger95VL

Type: Best Off Skyranger
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-PBRK at LFPA 20100919 | Dyn'Aéro MCR-01 MiniCRuiserF-PBRK

Type: Dyn'Aéro MCR-01 MiniCRuiser
c/n: 355
First flight:
History: (200802)F-PBRK
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95ZT at LFPA 20100919 | Best Off Skyranger95ZT

Type: Best Off Skyranger
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GUDV at LFPA 20100919 | Aquila AT01F-GUDV

Type: Aquila AT01
c/n: AT01-131
First flight: built 2005
History: (200506)F-GUDV
Where & when: LFPA 20100919, LFRG 20170607
F-GPNC at LFPA 20100919 | Cirrus Design Corp SR20F-GPNC

Type: Cirrus Design Corp SR20
c/n: 1408
First flight: built 2004
History: (200505)F-GPNC
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-HADF at LFPA 20100919 | Piper PA-28 181 Cherokee Archer IIIF-HADF

Type: Piper PA-28 181 Cherokee Archer III
c/n: 2843040
First flight: built 1996
History: (1996)OY-TEI,(200804)F-HADF
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-BOML at LFPA 20100919 | Piper PA-18-95 Super CubF-BOML

Type: Piper PA-18-95 Super Cub
c/n: 18- 1367
First flight: built 1951
History: 51-15367[N],51-15367[F],(196808)F-BOML
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-BXGN at LFPA 20100919 | Robin HR100/250 TRF-BXGN

Type: Robin HR100/250 TR
c/n: 522
First flight:
History: (197512)F-BXGN
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
D-EYML at LFPA 20100919 | Mooney 20J Model 201D-EYML

Type: Mooney 20J Model 201
c/n: 24-3249
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-AZIC at LFPA 20100919 | Boeing Stearman A75/N1F-AZIC

Type: Boeing Stearman A75/N1
c/n: 75-5540
First flight:
History: .. (1992) (199712)F-AZIC
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GUZZ at LFPA 20100919 | BE D17SF-GUZZ

Type: BE D17S
c/n: 4823
First flight: built 1943
History: (200410)F-GUZZ
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GYMF at LFPA 20100919 | Waco YMF MODEL F5F-GYMF

Type: Waco YMF MODEL F5
c/n: F5-032
First flight: 1990
History: .. (201005)F-GYMF
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
7-HM at LFPA 20100919 | Jaguar7-HM

Type: Jaguar
c/n: A. 34?
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-AZGB at LFPA 20100919 | Harvard T6D IV/Canadian Car & FoundryF-AZGB

Type: Harvard T6D IV/Canadian Car & Foundry
c/n: CCF-4/175
First flight: built 1953
History: .. (198811)F-AZGB
Where & when: LFPA 20100919, LFFQ 20240519
F-PHLL at LFPA 20100919 | Druine MartinF-PHLL

Type: Druine Martin
c/n: 02
First flight: 1955
History: (195609)F-PHLL
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-BXZO at LFPA 20100919 | Reims/Cessna F172M Skyhawk IIF-BXZO

Type: Reims/Cessna F172M Skyhawk II
c/n: 1274
First flight: built 1974
History: (197604)F-BXZO
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GPOP at LFPA 20100919 | Mudry CAP.10BF-GPOP

Type: Mudry CAP.10B
c/n: 10
First flight: 1971
History: (199805)F-GPOP
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-WCBJ at LFPA 20100919 | Bachoffer BA-01F-WCBJ

Type: Bachoffer BA-01
c/n: 01
First flight:
History: F-WCBJ,(201010)F-PCBJ
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-BMZH at LFPA 20100919 | CEA DR250/160 CapitaineF-BMZH

Type: CEA DR250/160 Capitaine
c/n: 7
First flight:
History: (196510)F-BMZH
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
RA-3628K at LFPA 20100919 | Yakovlev Yak-18TRA-3628K

Type: Yakovlev Yak-18T
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-PZIK at LFPA 20100919 | Ibis D 01F-PZIK

Type: Ibis D 01
c/n: 01
First flight:
History: (198508)F-PZIK
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-BCQM at LFPA 20100919 | SNCA du Nord Stampe et Vertongen SV-4CF-BCQM

Type: SNCA du Nord Stampe et Vertongen SV-4C
c/n: 398
First flight: built 1946
History: (194702)F-BCQM
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95SA at LFPA 20100919 | Jabiru J17095SA

Type: Jabiru J170
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95LC at LFPA 20100919 | Air Command Commander95LC

Type: Air Command Commander
First flight:
History: (1997?)95-LC
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JIPC / 95XW at LFPA 20100919 | Aircopter A3CF-JIPC / 95XW

Type: Aircopter A3C
First flight:
History: 95-XW/F-JIPC
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JWJL / 21ACN at LFPA 20100919 | Dyn'Aéro MCR Pick UpF-JWJL / 21ACN

Type: Dyn'Aéro MCR Pick Up
c/n: 54
First flight:
History: F-JWJL/21-ACN
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95YO at LFPA 20100919 | Flight Design CTSW95YO

Type: Flight Design CTSW
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95GS at LFPA 20100919 | Comco Ikarus C22 Fox95GS

Type: Comco Ikarus C22 Fox
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95NQ at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création XS95NQ

Type: Air Création XS
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JCPA / 60KS at LFPA 20100919 | TL Ultralight TL-2000 Sting CarbonF-JCPA / 60KS

Type: TL Ultralight TL-2000 Sting Carbon
c/n: 0x-ST-145
First flight:
History: 60-KS/F-JCPA
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
25QA at LFPA 20100919 | Magni Gyro M-18 Spartan25QA

Type: Magni Gyro M-18 Spartan
c/n: 18-..-....
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95RB at LFPA 20100919 | Flight Design CTSW95RB

Type: Flight Design CTSW
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95PO at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création XP95PO

Type: Air Création XP
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
x {2010-07} at LFPA 20100919 | I.C.P. MXP-740 Savannah-

Type: I.C.P. MXP-740 Savannah
First flight:
History: 07-OH ?
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JWWE / 95ABG at LFPA 20100919 | Pipistrel Virus SWF-JWWE / 95ABG

Type: Pipistrel Virus SW
c/n: 298 VSW 100
First flight:
History: F-JWWE/95-ABG (former 67-BFZ??)
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95XK at LFPA 20100919 | Air Création GTE95XK

Type: Air Création GTE
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JWMW / 95YL at LFPA 20100919 | Magni Gyro M-16-2000TF-JWMW / 95YL

Type: Magni Gyro M-16-2000T
c/n: 16-08-5013
First flight:
History: F-JWMW/95-YL
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JRSQ / 95AAU at LFPA 20100919 | Alpi Aviation Pioneer 200F-JRSQ / 95AAU

Type: Alpi Aviation Pioneer 200
First flight:
History: F-JRSQ/95-AAU
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95UU at LFPA 20100919 | Aéro Services Super Guépard Jabiru95UU

Type: Aéro Services Super Guépard Jabiru
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-CHQH at LFPA 20100919 | Diamond HK-36TCF-CHQH

Type: Diamond HK-36TC
c/n: 36.814
First flight:
History: (200807)F-CHQH
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-CHSC at LFPA 20100919 | Scheibe SF-25E Super FalkeF-CHSC

Type: Scheibe SF-25E Super Falke
c/n: 4323
First flight: built 1976
History: (D-KECZ),N250BA,(G-BOVM),(G-WOLD),(199207)F-CHSC
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-HDAG at LFPA 20100919 | Diamond Aircraft DA42 Twin StarF-HDAG

Type: Diamond Aircraft DA42 Twin Star
c/n: 42.195
First flight:
History: (200703)F-HDAG
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
91SD at LFPA 20100919 | Fantasy Air Allegro SW91SD

Type: Fantasy Air Allegro SW
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95YS at LFPA 20100919 | Best Off Skyranger95YS

Type: Best Off Skyranger
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
81BL at LFPA 20100919 | Best Off Skyranger 91281BL

Type: Best Off Skyranger 912
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95XP at LFPA 20100919 | Dyn'Aéro MCR-0195XP

Type: Dyn'Aéro MCR-01
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JROI / 95ADO at LFPA 20100919 | Evektor EV-97 EurostarF-JROI / 95ADO

Type: Evektor EV-97 Eurostar
c/n: 2009-3702
First flight:
History: (95-AAM)/F-JROI
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-JFCF / 95SD at LFPA 20100919 | Evektor EV-97 EurostarF-JFCF / 95SD

Type: Evektor EV-97 Eurostar
First flight:
History: 95-SD/F-JFCF
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95OH at LFPA 20100919 | Air Creation GT-BI/La Mouette95OH

Type: Air Creation GT-BI/La Mouette
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95UZ at LFPA 20100919 | Air Creation/La Mouette95UZ

Type: Air Creation/La Mouette
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95ZO at LFPA 20100919 | P & M Aviation Quik 912S95ZO

Type: P & M Aviation Quik 912S
c/n: 8451
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
95US at LFPA 20100919 | Aquilair Swing95US

Type: Aquilair Swing
First flight:
Where & when: LFPA 20100919
F-GFAX at LFPA 20100919 | Piper PA-28 161 Cherokee Warrior IIF-GFAX

Type: Piper PA-28 161 Cherokee Warrior II
c/n: 28-8016090
First flight: 1979
History: .. (198802)F-GFAX
Where & when: LFEQ 20100727, LFPA 20100919
F-JPRQ / 95TC at LFPA 20100919 | Flight Design CTSWF-JPRQ / 95TC

Type: Flight Design CTSW
First flight:
History: F-JPRQ/95-TC
Where & when: LFPA 20100919